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  • GrandAyatollaLenin [he/him,comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    "You can't be a leftist if you don't support animal rights" is also a hot take. It's absurd and wrong to say you can't support worker's rights, trans rights, minority rights, etc without also agreeing on an unrelated issue. It's also historically illiterate (see CW tab if you dare). You can advocate your own views without being a hostile asshole, without imposing purity tests, etc. If you have a problem with your fellow leftists, engage them in good faith. Just because they have problematic views doesn't mean they're not your comrades. Dogposting isn't an argument. It's just hostility. I've tried using arguments like these before. I can assure you they don't work.

    CW: Animal Cruelty

    :lenin-shining: :bonk:

    Lenin killed bunnies. Brutally. Beat them to death with a stick.

    :rosa: This girl wanted to raise Geese. :honk: Lock them in a cage, forcefeed them, kill them for their liver. The worst form of meat farming.

    :trot-shining: A hunter. Beat rodents to death with a stick for lunch money, threw rocks at pigeons, and went hunting with Lenin.

    This is what happens when you force your shitpost circlejerk deliberately designed to be offensive ourside the circle. Yeah. You'll get pushback.

    This stuff is designed to do that. To be offensive, to be triggering, to make people unconfortable. It's not even aimed at meat eaters. We have people on here who hunt or are exposed to cultures where eating dogs is normal. They're not having their minds changed. That's because none of these posts even try to explain why you should have empathy for animals. They only try to induce a visceral reaction in people who love dogs.

    Meanwhile, I don't eat meat. I find the concept disgusting. I find the sight of meat disgusting. But I own a dog. The mental image of dogs being butchered made me feel physically sick. This ruined the site for me. I can't even look at my dog without thinking about it. I unsubscribed from c/food because of it, but it won't go away. Why is that not locked to the appropriate community? Why does it not need a content warning? Why do we have comms if not to filter out content we don't want?

    • AlexisOhanian [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Supporting all of those things but still doing animal cruelty is a bit weird, to be honest.

      • GrandAyatollaLenin [he/him,comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        Please stop. You're literally everything this post is about.

        You've replied to several of my comments today, all the same aggressive tone, never addressing anything I've actually said. Now you're literally making shit up to attack me.