The crackerdry is fucking astronomical. Like this shit just confirms my suspicions of all the people who focus primarily on the environment as communists as being the most crank
Anyone who focuses on the environment as their motivating issue but doesn't also recognize that locally sourced, grass fed beef is actually better for the environment than monoculture farmed soy shipped across the globe to make tofu is in fact a crank. Or just uneducated I guess. Locally sourcing food will be the pathway forwards for food production as it's more environmentally sustainable, respects customs of local cultures, and promotes the independence of small communities and communal food production ownership. The slow food movement out of Italy is a very cool leftist organization that explicitly tackles this issue. My wife has a tattoo of their snail logo
The crackerdry is fucking astronomical. Like this shit just confirms my suspicions of all the people who focus primarily on the environment as communists as being the most crank
Anyone who focuses on the environment as their motivating issue but doesn't also recognize that locally sourced, grass fed beef is actually better for the environment than monoculture farmed soy shipped across the globe to make tofu is in fact a crank. Or just uneducated I guess. Locally sourcing food will be the pathway forwards for food production as it's more environmentally sustainable, respects customs of local cultures, and promotes the independence of small communities and communal food production ownership. The slow food movement out of Italy is a very cool leftist organization that explicitly tackles this issue. My wife has a tattoo of their snail logo
Snails are like dope the bears of the circular animal world.
hadn't thought about your second sentence before but it is definitely an epiphany moment for me