Shit like this really fucks with me. If people here, who came to a website explicitly ML, who believe in everything from wage slavery to reparations to abolishment of all borders, still side with "fuck off, animal slavery is fine" over "enslavement is cruel" then what's the fucking point?

  • CaramelArks [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    If you think a niche website of (predominantly) anonymous members is indicative or representative of anything, it's probably a good time to log off.

    • J_Edbear_Hoover [she/her]
      3 years ago

      These are purported leftists, not even the general public. If this is the "left"; calling everyone with a different opinion a white imperialist and stamping your feet with your fingers in your ear when someone makes an argument you can't logically challenge, then the movement is dead.

        • J_Edbear_Hoover [she/her]
          3 years ago

          If those 60 people are to be believed they're all third worlders whose only access to protein is dog meat and I'm a white devil colonizer (despite being of indigenous descent) for wanting them to starve.

      • GruttePier [any]
        3 years ago

        I mean the logic doesn't matter much if people don't agree on the fundamental intuition that animals are part of the moral community.

        Being a moralising debate nerd isn't going to really help animal liberation.

        No animal is going to sacrifice themselves for the cause of socialism. Veganism is not a prerequisite for socialist organisation.

        At best a socialist society would require us radically changing our relationship with the production of food. But I have a hard time imagining that would ever translate into a society that is completely vegan.

    • AstroCure [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      All my experiences outside of this website in regards to stuff like this is more or less similar. Not as bad, but still pretty bad. If people can't change one small component of their fucking diet they aren't going to be changing society any time.

      • CaramelArks [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        Maybe it's the benefit of living in a liberal, coastal city, but here it's the "veganism is dumb" remarks that get dirty looks. When I went through my meatless phase, I never got more than an, "oh, okay."