I’m not sure anyone outside of Twitter actually likes her. Her campaign imploded, her only memorable policy was means-tested into oblivion, and she covered up police brutality. She offers nothing except tokenism.

  • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
    4 years ago

    Bullshit. This is absolutely their MO, and you are getting duped if you can't wrap your head around it. Dr. Cornel West calls it "Black faces in high places." As an alternative to making material concessions that will improve the lives of minorities and colonized people, they will run minority candidates to uphold the same exact system of neoliberal imperialism, with the added benefit of accusing all of their dissidents as bigots. They mean to tell us that it doesn't matter how many minorities are living in poverty, or in prison, or under military occupation in the third world as long as it is possible for one to squeak into the White House. They have no intent of bringing about racial or social justice, let alone justice and reparations for the historical crimes of the empire.

    When Obama got elected as the first Black US President, it set off a powderkeg of racism. We all understand that. We live in an incredibly racist country. This comes as no surprise to us. From our perspective, this is baked into the cake of a settler colonial power founded on the vast riches extracted from the stolen land of indigenous people and the stolen labor of African slaves. A settler colonial power which has never come to terms with the injustice it has wrought. It is our view that there is a vast injustice lying here which has never been settled, and the last thing we will abide is liberals telling us the consequences of this country's vast racism and colonialism can be set settled simply because the bourgeoisie has finally selected a figurehead who isn't white. As long as they are sitting atop the wealth and power they have accumulated through these historic crimes, there has been no justice.

    I don't know about you, but I would rather have the appallingly disproportionate number of Black, Latino and indigenous people being held in our prisons set free, than elect a bourgeois minority to assuage the guilty conscious of upper-middle class suburbanites who are striving to be woke. I would rather have we stop bombing people in the Middle East, than thrust an Muslim into the seat of supreme imperial power. I would rather all of our undocumented comrades be treated as human beings and neighbours than give power to a conniver who can speak Spanish on the debate stage. And you know what? That's fine. Because it will be all these categories of oppressed people who are leading the vanguard. They will be doing it not out of choice, not because a bunch of rich white people thought it would do well for their brand. They will be doing it out of necessity.