Starting to think that Charlie Hebdo are just racists who dress up their hate speech in flowery bullshit to trick dummies.
a magazine so bad that it has to be incredibly racist on the cover to sell a single issue
The George Floyd reference is in bad taste, but it does seem like Charlie Hebdo does believe the royals killed Diana.
It's a Worst Person You Know Makes A Good Point in the worst way.
My french is a bit rusty, but the speech bubble says "Because I could not breath!"
like i am thinking on this for a bit and it could be and they just somehow frenched their way into making it look bad, it feels disrepectful to george floyd is what got me into just feeling this is just them making fun of britain for a bit going "HON HON LE ANGLOS ARE RACIST HON HON NOT LIKE MOI AND MACRON DOING JUST HARMLESS ISLAMOPHOBIA"
are we just looking to be outraged? they are representing monarchy very accurately
like i found it extremelly distasteful, the execution is bad,it feels like kinda making a goof on the english with floyd's death as a prop but i am extremely anti french so there is a bias here
wow i guess france’s reputation for making things in excellent taste doesnt just apply to their cuisine. awesome
putting that aside this is just absolutely horrible to look at. why does she have a window on her cheek
that is probably like light source shine on the cheeks but it does not fit good with the incredibly simplified style they use on these
like i can see it but to me it feels like in real bad taste like not to the royal family but to like what happened to george floyd but it could be my anti french bias showing
To me it feels more like they're making fun of the idea that the queen is racist, by doing an obvious exaggeration? That's my guess, because I know they're super racist
You should probably learn french. This is a knock against the racist, xenophobic English monarchy. I'm not sure why you're getting offended by.
"the french" = one stupid magazine
also this cartoon is funny and accurate. you need to find something else to be upset about today