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  • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
    4 years ago

    „Wanna know how I got these scars?

    When I was just a boy, just a normal teenager, there was this girl. And I liked this girl a lot, you know? Every single day I went out of my way to see her, to say hello to her, ask her about her day. A lot of the time I even sent her some of my own money, my own hard-earned money, just to get her to notice me, and every time she said those words, those beautiful words, „Thank you JLeto69xx for the donation“, I felt like it was all worth it. Like I had gotten one step closer to her heart.

    Then suddenly, one day, I sit at my computer like I do every day, waiting to see that face that means so much to me. I see her image loading up, and what is it I see?

    Another man. There is another man sitting next to her, next to my love, after everything I did for her.

    And suddenly, there was clarity in my mind. It all made sense to me. All my life, I had been the beta bux, and he had been the alpha fux. And I saw the sheer hilarity of it. It had all just been one, big pathetic joke all along, and I had unknowingly been the clown.

    But now I have embraced it, you see, now I‘m happy to play along in society‘s jokes, now that I‘ve seen the truth. There is no justice, no happy ending for straight, white, men like me. For society, we are born in need of repentance, we are born damaged. Every time I look in the mirror, these marks on my face will remind me of this, it is an unwritten rule written out for the world to see, it speaks out what society deems unspeakable.

    And every day, it reminds me, that I‘m the fucking Joker, baby.“