These narratives have real world consequences. Anytime you mention Xinjiang or that China is committing a "genocide" to liberals and conservatives it helps spread this shit. It helps reinforce Sinophobic narratives and will result in more deaths. Combat these lies and this propaganda where you see It. It is our moral duty to do so.

    • fawx [he/him]
      3 years ago

      If you'll humor me another question, if you were a Uyghur, do you think you'd support the Chinese efforts. I guess ultimately, that's always my hardline for things like this. And I'll even admit, I do believe it's possible (though strikingly unlikely when done by a government, but maybe that's my US/ Capitalist conception of government (under which I would still largely place China)) that there could be efforts that would be opposed by a populace, but ultimately beneficial for them, which I would support. Say for example implementing Socialism. But I guess all that said would you label it as just "not that bad" to which I would counter "bad is bad and I can't support it" or a "necessary evil".