Our big red boy did a good job last night.


  • posadist [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Can he actually win this? He polled 1% and 6% on the only (and very tiny) polls I found.

    • Wrecker [they/them]
      4 years ago

      he's also going against one of the former governors of Virginia, and yeah the polls I've seen has him at single digits, I'm happy for him but it's a longshot

      • J_Edbear_Hoover [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Terry Mcauliffe, who didn't participate in the debate and isn't listed in the Twitter poll.

    • DetroitLolcat [he/him]
      4 years ago

      The serious answer is no. He's already had to take a month off fundraising to maintain his seat in the legislature (active state legislators can't fundraise during legislative sessions), and a lot of the local progressive orgs like Justice Democrats and the local Sunrise chapter have backed another candidate (Jennifer Carroll Foy), in large part because they perceive her as more able to win. It's already tough for a socialist to win statewide, never mind someone who really can only campaign part-time. I think it's fair to say this campaign is more about building name recognition/statewide support for a future run, which is fine. Plenty of campaigns are run basically for that purpose.

      • Elyssius [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Why am I not surprised progressives do nothing but hamstring anyone to the left of them?

        • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
          4 years ago

          Is support for Jennifer Carroll Foy somehow hamstringing leftism? She's a public defender by trade and seems to support a raft of progressive policies. She's also campaigning full-time, having announced no intention to run for State House again in order to focus entirely on the gubernatorial bid.

          • Elyssius [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Yes, when a rather well liked leftist figure is running, stop trying to siphon voters off them by pushing some lukewarm progressive. They should have at least discussed this with Lee Carter so that they could determine the best course of action, rather than taking things into their own hands and watering down the playing field, allowing some neoliberal (who understands that once someone takes the lead, everyone else backs down to consolidate their voting base) to win off some technicality. This is literally Warren all over again, and you're falling hook line and sinker for it

            • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
              4 years ago

              They should have at least discussed this with Lee Carter so that they could determine the best course of action, rather than taking things into their own hands and watering down the playing field

              I mean, do we know anything about the back end of this gubernatorial fight? Lee's not making this his full time job. He's still running concurrently for State House. That makes me think he knows he's a long-shot and isn't fully committed. He's potentially just a stalking horse for leftist agenda items and knows it.

              This is literally Warren all over again, and you’re falling hook line and sinker for it

              Sanders lobbied for Warren to run in 2016 and she turned him down to endorse Hillary prematurely. This is a distant cry from Sanders v Warren.

              • Elyssius [he/him]
                4 years ago

                That makes me think he knows he’s a long-shot and isn’t fully committed

                Of course he's not fully committed, any leftist worth their salt would know that the succdems and progressives would rather gun him down in the street than to offer even the most token support to him

                Sanders lobbied for Warren to run in 2016 and she turned him down to endorse Hillary prematurely. This is a distant cry from Sanders v Warren.

                Because there is one dissimilarity it means that this "progressive" challenger isn't here to punch left. Is the next thing you're gonna say that Carter is neither old nor Jewish, and therefore cannot be compared to Sanders?

                • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
                  4 years ago

                  Of course he’s not fully committed

                  Then why are you complaining when other leftist organizations aren't going out-of-pocket to help out a half-baked bid?

                  succdems and progressives would rather gun him down in the street

                  They're backing another candidate who is campaigning full time, not murdering him in a back alley. FFS my dude, have an ounce of perspective.

                  Because there is one dissimilarity it means that this “progressive” challenger isn’t here to punch left.

                  It means you're engaging in some wild revisionism and false-equivalency, because you want to slap snake emojis on a candidate whose primary crime appears to be winning the endorsements you wanted your candidate to get.

                  • Elyssius [he/him]
                    4 years ago

                    Then why are you complaining when other leftist organizations aren’t going out-of-pocket to help out a half-baked bid?

                    Because there is a negative chance that they would help him if he fully committed, and everyone here (except you) sees that plain as day?

                    They’re backing another candidate who is campaigning full time, not murdering him in a back alley. FFS my dude, have an ounce of perspective.

                    I'm talking about what they'd prefer, not what they did holy fuck. Yea they didn't murder him but they're sure as hell not supporting him, and THEY WILL NEVER support him

                    It means you’re engaging in some wild revisionism and false-equivalency, because you want to slap snake emojis on a candidate whose primary crime appears to be winning the endorsements you wanted your candidate to get.

                    Oh you're a Warren stan, talking to you is a waste of my fucking time

                    P.S. Bernie is shit and he's still better than your imperialist girlboss slay kween

                    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
                      4 years ago

                      P.S. Bernie is shit and he’s still better than your imperialist girlboss slay kween


                      You hate to see it.

                      • Elyssius [he/him]
                        4 years ago

                        Why yes I think that the best person to lead the most genocidal nation to ever exist is someone who wants to nuke Yugoslavia

                        • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
                          4 years ago

                          You're about 30 years late to the party, if that's your biggest foreign policy concern.

                          • Elyssius [he/him]
                            4 years ago

                            Ah yes we should forgive people for their bad takes when they don't even think they were bad takes or apologize for them because surely it doesn't indicate some underlying belief or flaw that will lead to awful outcomes if granted power in the future!

                              • Elyssius [he/him]
                                4 years ago

                                The reason I dunk on Bernie for wanting to nuke Yugoslavia in the past is not because I believe he will nuke them if he takes power in the future.

                                It's because in order to have that opinion, he must have some underlying belief or flaw that leads to him having held that opinion in the past

                                I believe that belief or flaw will lead to awful outcomes in the future

                                Just because you are illiterate doesn't mean everyone else is

                                  • Elyssius [he/him]
                                    4 years ago

                                    Still not doing anything to address my original point that you lukewarm progressives do nothing but hamstring the left