Also the strawmen become more and more ridiculous. ThE lEfT tHiNkS mAkInG yOuR hUsBaNd A sAnDwIcH iS a SiN
I remember a really Christian high school freshman telling me that lesbian sex was gross because the women would dip their boobs into each other’s vaginas. Same energy.
Hell yeah dude. Never tried it, but am up for anything.
I feel like her rhetoric better resembles the notion of lesbians putting pop rocks in their vagina to induce a chemical reaction
Edit: I made this up as a bit; without reference to any chemical analysis of either pop rocks or vaginal fluids. Please do not try this at home.
Might feel interesting tho. This Makes me feel like the disgusting woman frog meme from 2011
Had someone in my highschool tell me out of nowhere in gymclass that gay sex was weird and stupid cause you just hit the dongs together :why-post-this:
Love to put my vagina into a vagina, the pinnacle of gay sex
Hello baby. Would you like for me to extend my pussy like a xenomorph mouth and press it into yours until you cum.
The way they were carrying on I really thought the performance must have really been crazy boundary pushing stuff but it was like...... just like every other hyper sexualized female pop/rap performer of the last 30 years. Nothing we haven’t seen before.
She’s been in a slap fight with cardi about her Grammy performance
Idk i feel like it was marginally transgressive, super mainstream and talking about a woman's pleasure?
I guess that’s fair, maybe I’m just biased since I work in the industry, but I feel like that’s kinda been the wave in pop music for a good 10+ years now. Wap was pretty huge commercially tho so that’s a fair point, but I was mainly talking about the actual performance which I didn’t think was anything that hasn’t been done before by other similar artists
👉👈 🤜🤛 see? it doesn't work. how is that supposed to work? hahaha, you stupid leftists.
Why buy a double headed dildo when you can just exchange logs with someone like a normal person?
I don't even get what shes referring to? How do I pop my vagina? What?
I popped my pussy so hard into another woman's it flew right off. Got dang it.
mfw trying to visualise this
Also, feminists definitely regularly describe things using religious language like "sin," so this sounds EXACTLY like something someone has totally said, excellent job
In the immortal words of that one Billy Ray Cyrus tweet, "what to heck"
The funny thing about Candice picking a fight with Cardi B is she’s retweeting tons of things that would be insanely misogynistic if a man said them, but it’s all women so I don’t have to feel bad for laughing.