Whenever I hear about the Iraq war on the "leftist" podcasts I listen to (other than Media Roots Radio) I always get hit with the usual suspects to blame - freakin' Hillary, the 'Democrat' party leadership (most rank-and-file congressional Ds voted against Iraq), or the uniquely evil super-genius Bush.

Why does no one ever dive into opinion polls at the time showing something like 70-80% of wypipo supported the invasion? It isn't even uniquely interesting to point out 'hypocrites' like Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump or Glenn Greenwald supported invading Iraq - because it would be really strange if they didn't. I do remember Bill Maher saying US troops would get their asses kicked in March 2003 but that was probably just part of his bit of being the ugly guy who gets booed

  • Contrarian [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    You know how often we've seen people, either with power or just average folks, who were foaming-at-the-mouth ready for war at the time, and retroactively act like they always thought it was? And it's not really unique to D or R? You think that's something that socialists avoided? Consent was manufactured incredibly well, the overwhelming majority, heck almost everyone you'd talk to, were on board with it! And then like 5 years later, everyone's mocking Bush like it was all him and it was just a bad financial decision. And that includes the people you're talking about, most of them would have to admit they too were braying for blood, and it's way more comfortable to not self reflect