Like i said in the title, it has everything anyone could want in a movie.
Badass lines, violence, explosions, love, intrigue, mystery, naked chicks, Casper Van Dien being handsome (with a butt shot), a coed shower scene, NPH, a Busey, Michael Ironside being badass, arena football, brain bugs, the game changing flip six three hole, and laser tag. What more could one ask for?!
Starship Troopers 2 is a perfectly salvageable ripoff of The Thing.
And 3 takes the satire to levels even the US hopefully can't ignore.
God damn this parody is so spot on it's indistinguishable from the sincere music the US was putting out around 2001-2005. Speaking of indistinguishable from parody, YouTube recommended me an Arch Warhammer video after this, which made the joke even better.
If it had just a touch more country twang that song would be indistinguishable from any of the pro america dreck played on country radio from 2002-2007
Unlike those, this song is actually good