The only person who looks like they're from that region is the one serving/preparing their food.
How suspicious.
I think they're just trust fund kids whose "work" boils down to being on social media.
i don't think they're a cult, i think they're just rich hippie biowaste that want a pleasure dome away from the world they helped create.
Join us as an investor to facilitate the process acquiring land and building this symbiotic oasis. Your investment will provide the opportunity for you to live in your own cottage, aligned with your core values and this New Era.
United Fruit Company? That you?
got a kick out of this one:
Can we get these people deported back to America like what happened to that influencer in Bali
hadn't heard about this so I looked it up and :michael-laugh:
Her Twitter is back online (of course) and she's back at it, but may be wise enough now to not name the country, lol:
Would not surprise me if she's in Guatemala.
what's with the sudden increase in tik tok cults? 2nd post about one i've seen in two days
I feel like these white-people-with-dreadlocks impulses are ultimately caused by the alienation/sterility/soullessness of american capitalism — their ignorance leads them to responding to this alienation in a (best case) futile way like hippie capitalism (burning man), and in a (worst case) colonial/adventurist way like we see here. These weirdos think living in a “primitive” community will bring them back in touch with their soul or some shit.
These are just the new hipsters, who were all originally trust fund kids. Now instead of going to Williamsburg, they are going to live in "intentional communties" in tropical nations while working on their app that uses machine learning to take pictures of your poop and identify if it's a healthy poop.
That would be a useful and harmless app tho, and therefore is not what they're working on.
No they use the app to aggregate dietary data on huge segments of the population, so that they can figure out where to create new food deserts.
Actually it has a $50B dollar valuation and will eventually cause the implosion of the economy.