Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone
    8 months ago

    I went down the street. I haven't been out of the house since Monday last week. I haven't touched my weights in 2 weeks. I am tired but I'm still alive. That's my grumble for the day. See youse at beer o'clock.

  • just_kitten@aussie.zone
    8 months ago

    Mum watches the news religiously and informed me that amidst Gaza and Hamas and everything, mushroom lady's arrest also made it to BBC World News here in Singapore. ...bet you any such wild revenge story in India or Nigeria wouldn't make it but anyway.

  • CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone
    8 months ago

    I'd really like one of those robo vacs but little dog would take it as a personal challenge to destroy it. Then I thought if I put a balloon on it, he might just leave it alone because he don't like balloons.

  • Dalek Thal@aussie.zone
    8 months ago

    Exam one done! One more assessment to go, then my degree is done!

    Oh, and fuck the BBC for not making Classic Doctor Who available on Disney+ for no discernible reason. There aren't any deals to navigate with it; there isn't anywhere to stream it (or hell, watch it legally)! I want to support that content, just make it available.

  • bull⚡@aussie.zone
    8 months ago

    Few bourbons in the motel, I've done my hair, booked the courtesy shuttle to the club for 6:30pm and I'm looking forward to my succulent Chinese meal. The Oriental Pearl goes hard. Going to enter the raffle and see if I can win me whatever it is they're giving away (hopefully not a meat platter).

    Bonus pineapple shirt/cream shorts/bourbon combo pic

    *removed externally hosted image*

  • bull⚡@aussie.zone
    8 months ago

    As BOM said, the weather up in Yarrawonga is bloody spectacular! 28 & blue skies. Looks like the Murray is the place to be.

    Also, I think my new car was designed for the Hume Fwy. What an absolute pleasure it was to drive up here.

  • StudSpud The Starchy@aussie.zone
    8 months ago

    So, my work has bought in a new call centre manager, to help us re-structure how KPIs are reported, ensure coverage on the phones, etc etc. The business wants to grow so this guy is here to provide his experience and expertise to help.

    One of the issues is missed or lost calls; a call will bounce between us until someone answers, or the customer hangs up. If they hang up, it's a missed or lost call.

    This manager fellow sends an email that literally says:

    "Yesterday we got through the entire day with only 1 missed call and yet today we have already hit 5. I would love a logical explanation if possible on this."

    It's his job to figure that out (and the issue is obvious, if we're all on calls how do we pick up another) but his tone is so damn snarky and immature. It feels accusatory, when everyone taking calls is doing their best.

    Guess I'll be looking for a different job, while I keep my head down here. He seemed nice, but this is so unprofessional in my opinion.

    Idk, thoughts?

    • Pilk@aussie.zone
      8 months ago

      You just got this job right?

      Don't quit it just because of a bad interaction. There are dumbass managers everywhere. You don't have to put up with disrespect or bullying, but if you can find a strategy to get over bad management your career will become so much less awful.

      • StudSpud The Starchy@aussie.zone
        8 months ago

        I'm not quitting unless I have another job offer, dw. I won't be burning bridges, just gonna keep doing good work :) I appreciate the advice 💜

    • SpinMeAround@aussie.zone
      8 months ago

      If you give honest feedback "there is an overload of calls/calls to staff availability ratio was unbalanced due to all staff on active calls" and nothing is done, then I'd be looking for something else. Chances are he's getting pressured by others, which can flow down. Yes, it's his job, but it seems fair that he's also be seeking input from the team actually doing taking the calls. The email is worded badly, but maybe try reading it in a different voice?

      • StudSpud The Starchy@aussie.zone
        8 months ago

        True, I know what he is getting at and why he is asking. I just don't appreciate the tone, and as he purports that he has 30+ years exp in call centres and management, I would have thought that he would be less tone-deaf

        I have a nice email I wrote, explaining the issue, and it was sent to us all (not just me). So I'll see how it goes lol

    • mysticgreg@aussie.zone
      8 months ago

      Yeah, behaviour like that by an IT manager resulted in a "mass" (3 out of 4 staff) walkout at one of my previous workplaces, myself included. It started as you described but only got worse from there.

      Time to start looking.

      • StudSpud The Starchy@aussie.zone
        8 months ago

        Damn. I have had experience with managers like this at previous workplaces, and I was hoping this would be different... But it's just more of the same.

        I like the work, but dislike intensely when people like this manager imply the issues are with the staff themselves, rather than the more logical conclusion of there not being enough staff to ensure no lost calls

        I already have saved some jobs on seek, so I'll write up some applications after work today lol


    • Taleya@aussie.zone
      8 months ago

      The explanation is no staff available to pick up the call.

      This is his fucking issue.

      Start telling them this shit, you don't care, the job's a fucking dumpster fire anyway XD XD (btw, how goes the job hunt?)

      • StudSpud The Starchy@aussie.zone
        8 months ago

        I had written an email response that was equally snarky but decided against burning this bridge yet lol

        I will provide the feedback requested as constructively as possible lol

  • Bottom_racer@aussie.zone
    8 months ago

    This bottle brush thing has really decided to move this year:

    *removed externally hosted image*

    I'm trying to get birds to use the bath but none of them do since the horse was put there.

    • Seagoon_@aussie.zone
      8 months ago

      Miss Seagoon went to see Miss Saigon. She said it reminded her of Springtime for Hitler, it was that racist, and she cringed during the whole show. She gave it 2 hobbits out of 5

  • Taleya@aussie.zone
    8 months ago

    Time to start curating your collections on steam peeps. Because fuck steam. Deliberately disabling access to shit you've already bought is the highest order of bullshit

    (GOG offer online and standalones of anything you've bought JSYK)

      • Taleya@aussie.zone
        8 months ago

        Steam aren't just "no longer supporting win7", they're actively disabling all clients on that OS end of this year. As in pushing out an update that will fuck it up. Your game you paid for can't run without the client? Tough shit. No, you don't get to run offline or standalone. You will use win10 or go and get fucked.

        Their reasoning is something something google something which is even fucking worse afaic, why the hell do google need to be involved in me playing a game that I've bought?

        GOG actually offer both their gog galaxy (like steam client) or standalones for anything you've bought, with the advisement the latter doesn't give you online community features.

        • bull⚡@aussie.zone
          8 months ago

          Who is still using Windows 7?? I'm guessing you by your anger. But WHY?? Nostalgia?

          • Taleya@aussie.zone
            8 months ago

            It's not about the OS, dude. Don't focus on that shit.

            I bought War for the Overworld in 2013. They've arbitrarily decided they can entirely revoke my ownership without recourse ten fucking years after the fact

          • Bottom_racer@aussie.zone
            8 months ago

            I am on an old laptop for astro pictures :)

            10 and 11 on desktops but 7 will always have a place in my heart.