With the solidarity with Amazon workers in Bessemer, and the $2 trillion infrastructure bill, it seems like we're moving in the right direction.

  • DetroitLolcat [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Biden has been moderately better than expected on domestic policy, and that's almost entirely because of pressure he's received from outside groups like Sunrise and DSA. The covid relief bill is a serious downward transfer of wealth the likes of which would have been unheard of under Obama or Clinton. Standing with the Amazon workers in Bessemer was a surprise too (and entirely due to left pressure). We can celebrate what influence we have in the Democratic Party. It is not Biden apologia to do so.

    Biden has been Trump 2.0 on foreign policy, though. Mega China hawk, kissed Saudi boot on MBS/Khassogi murder, still bombing the Middle East. Biden has basically kept the Trump mantle on Iran by not renewing the Iran deal. While we expected Biden to be bad on foreign policy, this is significantly further to the right of what he campaigned on. As it stands, the left has zero influence on Democratic foreign policy.