AKnightAlone [none/use name]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 9th, 2021


  • Yeah, this is probably the most disturbing aspect of the whole thing. “Oh yeah, let’s just give the fascist news organization what they want.” What the FUCK were they thinking? NO ONE should have been going on Fox News.

    I haven't been on here since shortly after the great purge. I'm here presently because Reddit is going to give me brain cancer. I can literally feel the malignant cells multiplying inside my skull. I was on Reddit since August 2011 for around an average of 5 hours a day, and that's been totally consistent since then.

    I'm too smart, also. In some sense, at least. Some kind of sensitivity and attention to the valuable details. I think I should take on the neurodivergent label just to avoid the kickback of proclaiming my intelligence.

    That said...

    THERE ISN'T A FUCKING CHANCE THOSE MODS WEREN'T INFILTRATORS. The amount of fucking onslaught against antiwork I've seen across Reddit is hard to fucking believe. Like some kind of subsection of the oligarch machine has been stimulated and poised to a point that they will literally simulate entire subreddits if they have to, which is what will come of workreform. They will simulate them. We'll get dozens of bots spamming the same shitty fucking lib memes you can get from the Occupy Democrats Facebook page. They will flood them with fucking petty bullshit, shitty memes, lib-tier nonsense, and that's the fucking reality.

    I want to get on Reddit. I want to argue. Right now, this very second. I just swore it off, and I wanna go back. It's who I've become. I wanna express myself, I wanna point out the shills and the manipulation. I want to guide people, in their child-like naivety, toward the ideas they need to mentally retain in order to prevent our wide-scale manipulation.

    But I know what that means. It means I'll be talking to people in intelligence agencies, think-tanks, ad agencies, etc., who are growing more and more aware of my own comparably lil-bitty intelligence I mentioned. This site was also unavoidably their way to push real Leftists into a secret corner to analyze and counter anything we attempt.

    I could spam my arguments on Reddit with high-tier logic. I could cut to the core and explain why everything is bullshit or otherwise. In the meantime, I feel the ever-increasing knowledge that I'm poking the bear that cannot be stopped. What is there to gain from being deeply correct against a source of ideological control that cannot accept loss? Will they even allow me to keep playing?

    Labor cannot win. Society will collapse under the weight of this unstoppable machine, and that's inevitable. Unless it's not.... In which case, I'm even more afraid.

  • AKnightAlone [none/use name]tomainBush was worse.
    3 years ago

    My new theory I considered earlier last year, but something new hit me:

    Who got mega-bux easily in America? Bezos. Corona lockdown was pretty much not even a gamble if you were investing in companies and picked Amazon.

    Who makes like 90% of the shit on Amazon? Oh, yeah, that's right... It's those folks that had that military-linked virus lab right around where the outbreak supposedly started.

    My earlier thought was that it was engineered in a Chinese lab. Now, I realize there are some beneficial coincidental outcomes for China.

  • I just learned to enjoy reading their self-satisfied brainrot

    I fucking wish. I wish I could flip every toxic thought I have about everything like this. Watching my planet die under the shade of sociopathic exploiters, all while I have almost nothing while I sense how much connection and freedom we lose in this state of endless competition over fake fucking units.

    How do people act like survival was bad? People literally play video games just to experience that. Our hobbies are now hunting, camping, exploring, crafting, and basically everything else associated with natural survival in a primitive or tribal society. We've lost all that, and the fucking animals are all dead now, too.

  • AKnightAlone [none/use name]tomainBush was worse.
    3 years ago

    I don't get this argument. People were gonna die no matter what. Would Biden have gone around and blew everyone's nose for them? Trump just played the negligent Republican daddy role. We would've had that with any Republican.

  • let’s not do something about the material conditions, let’s just spy more.

    Uhhhm, sweaty, have you maybe considered destroying entire mountains and ecosystems for natural resources? You, too, can create uninhabitable wastelands where only the desperately poor can struggle to survive. After all, there's still portions of the planet left that has beauty and life.

  • If QAnon was some FBI/CIA bullshit... Fuck... I don't even have the energy to share my whole conspiracy theory.

    Trump DNC friend.

    Entered to block Sanders.

    Turned into scapegoat for child-trafficking.

    Blast everything about Trump forever, manufacture Russia links.

    Russia actually buddies.

    Seth Rich probably killed by Russian hitmen.

    Russia full scapegoat, Assange falsely connected to Russia.

    Russia/Trump full get-out-of-jail free card if any leaks point at powerful politicians.

    CIA leaks QAnon stuff.

    Incites Rightwing unity around blatant bullshit and some truths, to make the libs think it's all fake.

    Liberals brainwashed into Trump/Russia circlejerk, also blatant bullshit.

    Trump literally ends up with a cult by accident.

    Gotta ghost them asap.

    Agencies manufacture way to maybe get some progressives Epstein'd by Trumpers.

    If not, still a giant shit-fest.

    Turn it into a lib witch-hunting game.

    Families further torn asunder as they start accusing each other of bullshit.

    Propaganda put out to "report people to the FBI cuz that's totally edgy and cool."


    Rightwingers even embarrassed about Capitol riot.

    Blast them with propaganda to make them ashamed of all activism.

    Blast liberals/Leftwingers with opposing bullshit logic.

    Everything totally manufactured. Russia an eternal excuse for anything, even though we're 100% probably total bros in the oligarch scene.

  • AKnightAlone [none/use name]tonews*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    I actually compiled a personal conspiracy theory comment on Reddit a few days ago. It included how China probably engineered the virus. And now who became immensely more wealthy because everyone is stuck at home? Bezos. The guy selling Chinese trinkets for a premium.

    Edit: Also, great way to keep up the Cyber Cold War. China made the virus! Potentially with our help. China hacked us! Potentially with our help. Now any problem in America can randomly be blamed on "unknown leaks and China." Same bullshit we got about Russia over the last 5 years of toxic nonsense, as if we're not actually friends with Russia and creating nonsense for all our benefit.

  • AKnightAlone [none/use name]tothe_dunk_tankliberal gun owners
    3 years ago

    Every Reddit post about this type of thing, or Bumble honeypot witch-hunting, or any kneejerk definitions diminishing the frustration of large groups of society, etc., it's all some fucking honeypots for themselves.


    That's the type of shit they're putting out to start making all their lists.

    Edit: Oh yeah, and since this is the radical Leftist version of Parler, this is also the same kind of bullshit. Thankfully, I'm about to attempt the classic escape from social media promptly, because I can't handle the level of mindless manipulation I'm seeing. Well, the people mindlessly allowing themselves to be manipulated.

  • AKnightAlone [none/use name]tomainPredictable
    3 years ago

    Start wrecklessly chugging some Everclear, son. I was trying to remember who this guy is, and remembered I saw one like 6-10 minute video of his a while back. I thought he seemed drastically more accurate and sensible than the vast majority of shit I could imagine hearing. That's rare for me. Why is everyone in agreement here that there's something bad about him?

    Remember, only saw one short video. Not enough to get me watching more, for that matter.

  • This is my first comment on this forum. I got on Reddit in August 2010 because a girlfriend introduced me to it. I ignored it for about exactly a year. Then I got addicted. I had an internet timer extension at one point, and after 3 years it said I had an average daily time on Reddit of 5 hours. Since that point in 2011, I've consistently been on Reddit around that much. So if I'm sensible, we could say I was on Reddit around 365 x 9 x 4.5. What's that number come out to?

    When it gets to the point that I write up several extensive and thoughtful paragraphs, hit send, then have to immediately check reveddit or some similar site just to see whether or not I hit some wrong "trigger" word that caused my comment to be shadow-removed instantly, no fucking notification to me, it starts to make me beyond bothered, particularly when all context in my comment was ignored and the more words I use the more likely it is that I'll trigger a wrong one.

    I could go outside. I should go outside. But I'm also living in this world where technology has created an almost heroin-like addiction, where we've all gotten so normalized to everything that I've lived a million different lives in every movie, TV show, video game, and I can still look at my government and society and it feels about as logical as shooting myself in the foot to ignore it. We're so twisted and controlled by propaganda that we allow complete sociopaths to dominate us, owning their own private islands where they can use humans like objects.

    Going outside is a temporary avoidance. It's necessary to remain sane, but I can't do anything really without still being trapped in thoughts of all this perpetual exploitation around me. People dying for absolutely no reason, or specifically so people can form new ways to profit in the future. Terrorist groups being funded so we can send people to die and kill perpetually.

    Reality is just as much what we allow our government to get away with. We're letting that reality escape us, and it means our apathy is simultaneously hurting people, causing suffering and more struggle for people in the future, and giving endless power to the absolute worst kinds of people.