Blood obviously not vegan. CW: Kinda assumed it wouldn’t be vegetarian? I doubt they just bleed the animal a bit and it’s more a byproduct of slaughter. Like eggs can be harvested without killing the animal, but blood even at the least invasive definitely a varnish thing?
That’s a good article, thanks for sharing it and the info.
Ngl, 37 seems low. I guess buying a gun and choosing venue isn’t enough of an added barrier. Makes sense since the more secure the person was based on demographics the less likely to do in the range.
The requiring a second person rule seems like a viable Bandaid.
Kinda scary tbh
Projection? they wish to be unfettered by society in the manner they perceive him to be. The fact that he used it to be a catty real estate mogul /tv host isn’t the point. It’s the set dressing of having agency combined with the lack of the loathsome present he promised to relieve.
Idk maybe bad spray tans and disjointed storytelling are relatable and I’m out of touch.
I agree, but until there is an opt-in or free to opt out until a point of reason system…
Potentially ruining a life is fucked up. An alternative system for legal parenthood would be opt in, but the current framework only allows a single point of opting out which is convincing to get an abortion.
The whole line of reasoning “every nut is consenting to being a parent and all the legal burdens that come with it” seems indistinguishable from abstinence only sex-Ed which is rightfully rejected by most (all?) here.
Idk, I didn’t mean to argue that it isn't distasteful, but it’s basically the least bad out. A functional society would be set up in a way that this isn’t the case. I guess I shouldn’t be accepting the internal logic of a bad system by arguing within it or something.
In all honesty, I could see America doing this by adding firing ranges with separate booths and rental gun with a single bullet sales.
I guess the framework for burgerland getting those futurama suicide booths already exists. Wonder how they’d shut it down if somebody made one as performance art or something.
Taking my Gammon to the vet for an antihistamine shot because the jowls are even more red and swollen than usually.
Never really got what the definition of pudding is, it seems to change at a rate inversely tied to how close I am to getting it.
If not it’s actually quite tasty and if you haven’t tried it oughta at least once before hating it so much.
Besides, what’s more metal than blood for brekkie
Posho take, cockney is of the people.
The farce version of that fash book about immigration flotillas
I wanna see a before and after photo like all those cutely swole puppers that eat bees.
All the struggle sessions that devolve past the point of good fun are started by old accounts though.
We need a bubbles emote because that’s a damn fine kitty.
Imagine the crushing guilt and inward rage they would feel if they developed a functioning conscience and moral compass.
The blood and vengeance sorts probably wouldn’t be swayed, but rehabilitation would be a life sentence in a prison of justified self-loathing.
Podcast, pet, and preparing food. The three p’s of a good day off.
That’s reasonable. I simply think that unless consent to parenthood is made clear it isn’t there. Much like literally every type of consent, it cannot be assumed.
🇮🇷 :meow-popcorn: