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Yes I'd much rather read the millionth post about mod drama
Because you have to be wealthy to not participate in capitalism.
Pretty sure cuck came from stormfront to 4chan with the swedish migrant situation memes...
And where do you get that energy?
That was the most hilarious bit on the show.
Sometimes you hear horror stories of people therapists bringing up Peterson.
It becomes a whole lot less. Like less than a 3rd after a couple days.
Lose weight.
Do lsd.
Be less of a cynical asshole who thinks everyone hates him.
Get therapy for issues I finally understand thanks to Shrooms. (see the one above)
Every couple weeks I fall into a spiral of thoughts like this. It really sucks. 1-2 weeks ago as the fact that the year was coming to an end was dawning on me(and the fact that I didn't do much this year) and the fact that I quit smoking weed and got bad withdrawals, it got REALLY bad.
Now it's a bit better... Somehow I feel like the only way to get out of this is to delude(as in, think "unrealistic", because what I consider realistic is very pessimistic) myself a little until that becomes my natural way of thinking.
You said in a comment you wanted to work out but the gyms were closed. I'm in a similar situation. I've began running, which doesn't require a gym, maybe an idea? Or something similar you can do solo.
Nice reference, for the kidz, with a z.
They way they're made makes them very easy to detect.
Academia is infested with G*mers. Of course this is what they're going to say.
Humanity won't survive the 21st century :this-is-fine: