RedStarLesbian [she/her]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2020


  • I wasn’t very clear but I don’t mean that every Bernie stan turned communist overnight. Of course most are just going to vote for Biden but there is a pretty sizable chunk of Bernie stans who have engaged with leftist politics since Bernie lost. I mean, there was a pretty big exodus from Bernie subs to leftist subs like Chapo before the ban and I know several people irl who were radicalized left because of it.

  • I’m an anarchist and I don’t think this is explicitly an issue with anarchism itself. The thing is, a lot of people, especially within the imperial core, can easily find themselves vaguely agreeing with the concept of being “anti-authority” without actually doing any analysis of what that actually means. They don’t question the imperialist brainwashing they’ve received because they think just blanketing “all hierarchy bad” over everything is adequate and so end up perpetuating imperialism.

    Of course there’s genuine discourse and I’ve definitely seen my fair share of ML hate of anarchist, but I think a lot of the bs from the anarchist side, if you want to call these people anarchists, is from this type of person.

  • Yeah, I unsubbed from him when he went into drama too but it’s a genuinely good video that isn’t about just stirring shit like basically every other commentary channel. Don’t know about his other content though. Fortunately I don’t remember The Station, I wasn’t really on YouTube until around 2013 and didn’t get REALLY into it until much later. I only know about a lot of this other stuff because I’m addicted to YouTube and post-analyses of Internet culture lmao.

  • Yeah, I know what you mean. I’m pretty stereotypically hetero looking and I’ve seen some of that bashing myself. There’s even the concept of “gold star lesbians”, which is what my name is referring to, where some gay women will disregard and consider women who have slept with men (or are more immersed in hetero culture) to be “lesser gays”. It’s definitely a thought pattern that exists.

  • That’s the thing comrade, I get the impulse but nobodies lumped you in anywhere here. Maybe making a separate post or clarifying that you know cumwaffle isn’t meaning to lump you into the Gay Bro archetype would be a bit more conducive to conversation since that is something that probably should be talked about in a more relevant context.

  • It’s the difference between “bros” and masculine guys in general. Maybe it isn’t really a thing outside of parts of the USA but “bro culture” is specifically referring to a highly performative, chuddy, jock-ish, and aggressively masculine group of guys. Think college frats. Gay Bros are just an extension of that.

  • Well I think it has something to do with the pre-Youtube audiences. There were a ton of sites for video sharing before YouTube made them all basically obsolete so you’d have to track back to those areas. Since computers weren’t always common place, the first group of people to use them were likely straight wealthy white men/boys who are generally disconnected from politics but likely had some reactionary tendencies.

    The type of people who could post on these sites were likely even higher up the hierarchy considering filming equipment was not really accessible to much of the population. People didn’t have smartphones they could just pull out and record whatever with.

    Also, YouTube has always been very connected to gaming and the whole GamerGate thing is, from what I’ve heard, one of the larger catalysts that transitioned people from edgy atheism into reactionary politics.

    So really it’s sort of a clusterfuck of a bunch of different cynical movements populated largely by comfortable straight white men simply because they have historically been the group to have first access to new technologies considering their disproportionate wealth. I think the overtly reactionary movements largely took hold after they felt their space was being threatened when these things slowly started becoming more and more accessible to other populations. Like a microcosmic recreation of things like the white backlash to successful Jewish and black and Chinese throughout America’s history.

    At least this is my take on it from what I can gather about it. I was actually a kid when all this stuff went down.

  • Too be honest, that is better than it used to be. Early YouTube was straight up minstrel shows and grown adults making pedophilia/rape jokes. Look up Deangelo Wallace’s take down of Shane Dawson, he was not some sort of exception. If you go back far into the Amnesia days of PewDiePie’s channel, he jokes about rape a significant degree. Youtube is and always has been very reactionary and it’s literally only in the last couple years that even Rad libs have been able to post without getting doxxed, swatted, and driven off the platform.

  • I won’t get into the hows and why’s but I almost croaked a few years ago and that experience lead to a sort of demystification of death as this separate, otherworldly force. It made it clear to me that death and suffering was a result of worldly conditions and that eventually lead me into leftism for obvious reasons. Before that I was a pacifistic libdem who surrounded myself with normie/reactionary leaning people because of internalized bigotry.

  • RedStarLesbian [she/her]toPost Maine On Main"gay bros" are so fucking lame
    4 years ago

    I’m sorry if people have treated you like that before but everyone else here seems to have gotten the context of the post just fine. I get the impulse but there’s absolutely nothing in Cumwaffles post that’s specifically conflating masculine gays with the dudebro homophobic gays. She probably would have specified masculine gays if that’s what she meant.

  • I don’t act stereotypically gay either but I think it’s pretty obvious OP is talking about gay dudes who aggressively perform masculinity and deride feminine gays specifically appeal to straight, homophobic, sexist dudes. Not because they just naturally align with traditionally masculine traits. People like that definitely exist.