Yeah, yeah whatever, what's worse is that Chinese kids dribble basketballs together
this is from 2018, the frog's been fully boiled for years
If I could tell you how much of my school day was spent fantasizing about how I would take down an active shooter and save everyone you wouldn't wonder why I dropped out.
I had lockdown drills back to elementary school. We also had monthly random police dog drug searches (at Highschool) and metal detectors (starting at middle school). Kids had to carry everything in their hands because they weren’t allowed to use bags/backpacks inside the school. There were a few bag searches too. It was very normalized so none of us really thought much of it, but it also wasn’t in the best of areas so that‘s definitely not a universal experience for all zoomers.
Yeah, idk why they didn’t let us do that. There was a blanket ban for all bags except for coming in and out of the school. If you were in the building they had to be locked up the entire time. We did have a problem with students dealing and have had threats from students (and one time an escaped, armed convict) so I get why, it just sucks that it’s even an issue in the first place.
I can't fucking imagine what this shit must be like for the actual kids, I've heard americans my age talk about having to do these drills and it always seemed like something out of the beginning of a heavy-handed dystopia novel. Hell, my school barely even had fire drills. I wonder if there have been any studies done about these; you'd assume there must be some sort of long term physiological effect, right?
As much as I do agree with the whole "under no pretext"/stopping the state monopoly on violence idea, I guess I'm still a bit of a lib in that I can't help but be pretty fucking hyped to live somewhere where this would be unthinkable.
I was in high school when they introduced them so we all rolled our eyes at it for various reasons, some better than others. Dunno the effect on normalizing it for younger kids.
Going through one of those drills in high school is still one of my most surreal experiences of my life. It's up there near when I visited an anti-quarantine/fascist rally.
I was in highschool in the early 2000s and we had active shooter drills then too. It wasn't weird or surreal at all at the time and none of my classmates thought so either. Kids are good at drills and not thinking about it
i'd be about a decade younger than you and we had shooter drills all the way from elementary school. never particularly struck me as strange.
Lockdown lockdown it's all done!
Now it's time to have some fun!
I sing just moments before entering a hallway strewn with the blood and bodies of my friends and teachers.
But nothing needs to change about any of our gun laws guyz, totally.
But remember, we need guns to fight the guberment in a communist yprising so we shouldn’t touch gun rights.