I don't know, I would have agreed with you in the past but Philosophy Tube's lecture on AI in warfare had a bit about how AI can have a lot of biases and unplanned biases that don't make them any more objective than their creator.
I don't know, I would have agreed with you in the past but Philosophy Tube's lecture on AI in warfare had a bit about how AI can have a lot of biases and unplanned biases that don't make them any more objective than their creator.
Honestly wanna make a "Thin Breadstick Line" flag or something and fly it around to piss of chuds.
Alright, I'll have to agree with you. I still think it's unfair to say it's OnlyFans that started the commodification of hookups as that's been going on for decades then.
God their also a mod on /r/soyboycringe and it's perhaps the saddest fucking sub I've ever seen. Desperately trying to convince themselves of their superiority. The projection is real.
If you smell long enough into the abyss, the abyss begins to smell you back
Cosmic Encounters is my jam! Haven't been able to play it since I moved out of my backwater town. I would certainly be interested! Although I don't know the first thing about TTS.
The Hookup is still between the two people engaged in the act. Recording, editing, and posting is not abstraction, it's transformative. The process makes something entirely new. Even if you don't agree with that then by your own logic sex (including hookups) has been commodified for years from the mainstream porn industry and the blame should not in anyway be shifted onto Onlyfans.
So it's not really commodification...more just them selling nsfw content of people they where already gonna hookup with? It's not like their selling hookups. The product is still the content.
Hookup culture and onlyfans?
I mean, Urban Planers don't really have all that much power right? Just more of executing the city council/mayors wishes on key stuff? Not a lot of space to work ideology in.
Sent this to a neocon I work with who's been arguing with me all week. I'll let y'all know how it goes.
Oh don't worry it's risen alright 😎
Can't I just be all 3? A Community Defense-Garden Janitor?
I love how they transferred the results instead of just...deleting them? That thing that Hillary did.
Isn't Oregon filled with white supremacists? Sounds way more likely to flip than cali.
I don't need to do research when I can just try to understand an ideology from memes on twitter! /s
skip ahead to the Anti-Capitalism is Anti-Vegan section if you want your brain to explode in broken logic that could easily be used against itself.
Caesar's whole point that he's the antithesis of the NCR is flawed right? At least in the Hegelian sense. I would hardly call the Legion the opposite/(a) contradiction to the NCR. Just further on the same scale.
I don't think the based part is where he praises China. He does have a point about us needing to invest more in our own Infrastructure and he does call the US the "the most warlike nation in the history of the world" which for a former US President is about as based as you can get. He does claim it's to spread "values" and that's about as lib as you can get, but still.
All it really would have done is burnt any bridges Bernie has with the new administration. It would have made him pretty much powerless with no real connections.