ShoreTime [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 4th, 2021


  • ShoreTime [he/him]tomentalhealth*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    Had a dream where I was supposed to get on this bus with way too many people on it, so I turn to the person in charge of the bus system and ask if I can get my own bus and he's like hmmm sure. I've noticed that as I get older I get my way much more often in dreams. Like as a little kid I'd have dreams where whatever goal I'd set out to do would be ironically undermined in some sort of way, like even if I got everything I wished for it'd be like a phyrric victory, but nowadays it's just like a serious of events that are all-in-all pretty harmless.

  • ShoreTime [he/him]tomain:agony:
    3 years ago

    Thought it was a matter of him having it as a child and working to get rid of it King's Speech style.

  • The inability for the Soviet Union to give more independence or political freedom to it’s satellite states, and freaking the fuck out when states weren’t following the strict set of guidelines from Moscow, (also party leadership changing the internal politics and Moscow relationship of it’s satellite states every time a Soviet Leader died/changed their mind on how to operate it’s states, Belarus comes to mind.)

    Belarus wasn't a satellite state tho? It was a part of the USSR. What exactly do you have in mind here?

    Seeing as the various different "satellite states" had various different policies, i.e. the more liberal Polish and Hungarian forms of economic policy when compared to the GDR or the split in the foreign policy of Romania when refusing to invade Czechoslovakia in '68, or not supporting Ethiopia when Somalia invaded, I think it's unwise to paint the Soviet bloc as the USSR and a bunch of puppet regimes. Those countries each had their own policies set by their own parties, admittedly with heavy influence from the Soviets. How much more "independence or political freedom" would you have asked for?

  • ShoreTime [he/him]tomainOof
    3 years ago

    I just didn't have the balls to buy only the plan b, I had to get a lil tiny comb to feel secure at the register.