The first of many

    • xXSWCC_DaddyYOLOXx [she/her]
      4 years ago

      He was a former army and YPG volunteer as well, too bad his skills are now wasted due to these adventurist tendencies.

    • JuneFall [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      please don’t do the ‘call to arms’ thing or ‘plotting violence’ as a leftist online or anywhere near a recording device or phone and definitely don’t do that shit here, they’re watching. you all know this i’m pretty sure but still

      Well, the biggest weapon of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed. If there is no communication then there is no need to deal out violence, still openly calling for stuff that will get some repressed might be a bold/suboptimal move. Opsec is good, but the calls for e.g. central parking were radicalizing for quite a few. That the state will try to focus on the left and crush them down isn't new. The socialist laws (read laws to repress the dangerous socialists activities) are over 150 years old now.

  • Civility [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    “REMEMBER THAT THE COPS WONT PROTECT US BECAUSE THE COPS AND KLAN GO HAND IN HAND!” Baker wrote on a Facebook event page he created, according to the affidavit. “If you are afraid to die fighting the enemy, then stay in bed and live. Call all of your friends and Rise Up!”

    Baker is described as anti-Trump, anti-government, anti-white supremacists and anti-police.

    He’s also a former U.S. Army Airborne infantryman who was kicked out of the service with an other-than-honorable discharge in 2007 after going AWOL before being deployed to Iraq.

    His name was Daniel Baker.

  • happybadger [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Adventurism is dumb. He washed out of the military, joined YPG to brag about being a sniper, came back and plotted to kill Turkish pilots, then made a facebook page where he posts workout videos with his guns and threats.

    If that attack had worked, then what? He kills X number of hogs who were already going to kill themselves with COVID-19. None of them will ever hold office, none of them have power beyond owning a hammer store, that rally would be threatening a republican governor with the ultimate win being... replacing him with a democratic governor installed by terrorism? The right is going to immediately seize on it, whatever orgs he belongs to will come under attack, it doesn't inspire copycats because we can all look at it like we did the 1/6 rally and say "that's stupid" or CHAZ and say "that's limited in its potential". The MyPillow guy gets his coup because Trump gets a reason to declare martial law, and the cause of that is some little big man whose tendency is now our national stand-in for a rosa killer. What org is going to be inspired to revolution and where will that revolution come from if five more boomers die this year in one more mass shooting this week? PSL? DSA? SRA with its whole 10 members in this state? Does Food Not Bombs have a guns exception?

    • existentialspicerack [she/her,they/them]
      4 years ago

      assuming this whole thing wasn't just a false flag. because they've never done that before.

      they've been accusing everybody and their grandma of it for years, so it's safe to assume they've been wanking to the idea.

      • Civility [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Here's the court filing.

        I'd be hesitant to call anyone who went AWOL and spent 10 years homeless rather than be deployed to Iraq, gave two years of their life as a fighter for the YPG and has spent the last two years traveling the US attending protests as a street medic a fed without solid evidence.

        • happybadger [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Yeah, his trajectory would mirror mine if I had read Homage to Catalonia without critically understanding Orwell. It's Brace Belden but with heroin instead of the military or Robert Evans with journalism instead of a sniper rifle. Reactively denying everything as COINTELPRO doesn't allow for understanding it and defeating it in our communities before it kills vulnerable comrades. The guy was probably fucked up from years of homelessness and the OTH discharge would have denied him all but the barest medical benefits from the VA. That's someone whose totally normal anger could be steered toward a productive effort instead of suicide with extra steps.

        • existentialspicerack [she/her,they/them]
          4 years ago

          given that literally all communication the average person has is mediated and mitigated by corporate or state infrastructure, the man himself is inconsequential. he doesn't have to be, do, not be, or not do anything for this to happen. real humans may as well be paperwork for all the FBI cares.

        • existentialspicerack [she/her,they/them]
          4 years ago

          totally! where did you get those records though? if your info was MITM'd, then they could have said he personally killed adolf hitler, sucked off joseph stalin, ate out emma goldman, was the real muscle behind the exile of chiang kai shek, killed a thousand CIA agents in the 70s, is the son of karl marx, and was involved in both cuban liberations (the fake 'oops lol we lied ur r's now' one and the real one)

          what leverage could they have on him?

          what influence could they have over him?

          I don't trust anybody who I only know on paper, especially when I can't establish chain of custody for the paper.

          it is of course entirely possible that he's legitimate and just a well intentioned dumbfuck. it's also possible the posts were made and he had nothing to do with them and this is the targetting of a very solid comrade, COINTELPRO style, making a false flag in the process. stay off facebook, kids.

          • Civility [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            There's videos of Baker fighting for the YPG and doing medic shit in the CHAZ.

            The real COINTELPRO shit is copjacketing. Calling someone a fed without solid proof is just doing the enemy's work for them.

            • existentialspicerack [she/her,they/them]
              4 years ago

              that's the thing. this could be a false flag without him being a fed. what evidence do we have that this happened? facebook posts? wow, those are impossible to fake, and they would NEVER give access to the FBI, who have NEVER slandered lefties in the past

              • Civility [none/use name]
                4 years ago

                According to the court filing he posted videos of himself on his youtube channel printing out flyers for the event he was planning.

                • existentialspicerack [she/her,they/them]
                  4 years ago

                  like I said, he COULD be an idiot. or this could all be fake and dude was just baking sourdough when all this supposedly happened.

                  or this could be some cointelpro shit. never ever ever ever ever trust the FBI. you didn't trust them to adequately deal with the 1/6 thugs, you shouldn't trust them to only target leftists when there's a legit threat.

          • TheDeed [he/him, comrade/them]
            4 years ago

            if your info was MITM’d, then they could have said he personally killed adolf hitler, sucked off joseph stalin, ate out emma goldman, was the real muscle behind the exile of chiang kai shek, killed a thousand CIA agents in the 70s,

            God I wish that were me

    • JuneFall [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      The analysis of militant individual "insurrectionism" or what you call adventurism is one that doesn't and can't happen alone in front of a screen. It has to be done in a collective and while some collectives did - for wrong material analysis e.g. the Red Army Faction - decide to try to start a prolonged people's struggle the situations in the imperial core for it are seldom there - and the options for individual acts of violence can't be used to change a collective and systemic problem. That said assassinations and their attempts of Fascist leaders like Franco's successor and Hitler and his leading elements are to be applauded.

      However in situations where there is no organized resistance and alliance from outside your country e.g. second world war, there is little to be gained from them.

      • happybadger [he/him]
        4 years ago

        That's more or less the moral/strategic logic I frame terrorism around. It's purely conditional and our window for it being effective is much smaller than the right's. In contexts like the IRA or RAF or 17N, they were countries living under the boot of some foreign power. Here it works for the right because adventurism builds the hero narrative that drives them. I don't want to die in a revolution so that I can be a mushroom farmer who works in better conditions, but they grow up wanting to fight the Marvel battle for the white race or defend their flag from the barbarians or dress up in a soldier costume and LARP in a militia while not doing cardio. When they see a Rittenhouse or a Roof or probably a Bobbit in the coming months it's a martyr. We've got martyrs too but they're not the idiot who shot up a baseball game or the Dayton guy. They're people who existed within very narrow conditional parameters where that group needed some kamikaze spirit to inspire a practical thing. If I woke up today to the opposite headline, that 7 people had died to some lone wolf in Florida, I wouldn't go grab my guns to join no one while the right would be scrambling to grab theirs and join the militias at the remaining 49 capitals. There's no militia for me to join with more than like a dozen or two people and I think there might be two or three within a 10 hour drive.

        Assassination attempts are on a higher practical tier for me, but even then it's narrowly conditional for us and much more practical for the right. Killing Hitler made sense in the 20s before there were large numbers of cohesive fascists, in the 30s it would have created overwhelming tit-for-tat retribution violence. In the 40s it would have replaced him with a more competent military leader and impeded the Soviets from their more righteous and efficient purge of those same fascists. Even if he had gone after the governor of that state that governor is a generic ghoul replaced within a day by a functioning empire. Even going after a national leader would be stupid because they're being replaced anyway and it would only encourage every militia in the country to immediately rise up in response. Those remaining capital protests would probably be slaughters by paranoid people claiming Antifers were about to copycat. If they got inside the capitol, I'd agree with like five people in there on policy but not ideology and the rest are royal terrorists who kill countless innocent people every year by depriving them of healthcare. I'm not going to join the local democrats and launch a gun control countercoup for Joe Rapist Biden, and even losing one of the good politicians wouldn't make me think going after Large White Republican #42069 is the practical tactic in that moment.

    • acealeam [he/him]
      4 years ago

      He kills X number of hogs who were already going to kill themselves with COVID-19

      thus saving millions of elderly people. o7

  • funkfresh [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Really fucking frustrating to see this dumb ass get popped for posting.