Questioning the affinity for wildfire hellstates oregon and washington
Wtf did donny coin never forget for 9/11 he gets asked by the news anchor what NY should do after it's all been put behind them and he says "never forget"
This is the worst attack on eyetalian culture since they took down that columbus statue
Yeah fact good point
Don't feed rare steaks to babies that barely have teeth yet you fucks
Sorry to hear about that
Lol some dumbass on here argued with me a while ago saying it's ridiculous to think the devices listen even when they aren't woken
Ya as a disabled person who didn't become disabled until later in my life, it's fucking disgusting how often I'm attacked and shamed and hated by people who are literally a car accident or a slip on ice or a trip down the stairs away from being in my place. Like this fucking hog idiots don't comprehend that they have fragile animal bodies that can be permanently damaged.
Ketamine more like betamine lmao communists owned
Idk dawg people around here are already forgetting about it even as it kills them and their families
c0da makes this canon
Hexbear c/truestl when because the subreddit has been taken over by out n out fash for a while now
Lol thinly veiled didn't they outright state they would bring down the cn tower or something
Good thing he's not in america that kid with the toy gun would get shot
Please god let me die :desolate: