This shit just infuriates me. Just pure debate-bro idealism. You don't need to fucking go to the first principles and ground your axioms for every fucking issue. Sometimes, you can just agree that racism = bad. Like, no, fuck off, no one has to explain to you why racism is bad. Fuck off. Why do you think racism is bad?

  • LeninsRage [he/him]
    2 年前

    Incessantly caring about these online spats and trying to own V*ush like this is as entirely pointless as it was during GamerGate. He's a debatebro directly descended from the nuatheists who went from dunking on creationists to hysteria about feminism ruining video games to conspiracies about cultural Marxism destroying Western civilization, their behaviors never ever change no matter if they claim to be right or "left"

    • I_Have_IBS [none/use name]
      2 年前

      That's very true. Trying to actually "debate" va*sh is a waste of time. If instead you're there to use his platform to build your own visibility and let him hang himself... well then there might be something to that.

      It's using the same tricks V@u$h did to grow in popularity against him and they're doing it better because they're fine just leaving when he gets too shitty. That is pretty sharp.


    • CyberMao [it/its]
      2 年前

      His primary skill is gaining attention by stirring the pot. Dude’s a fucking asset

      • Manypink [none/use name]
        2 年前

        Alex Jones is a legitimate threat? Seriously? He's gone. He's been vaporized. Say, what does Alex Jones think about Biden? I don't know and neither do you.

  • Alex_Jones [he/him]
    2 年前

    Racist pretends he doesn't understand why racism is bad. :shocked-pikachu:

    This is the logical conclusion of hanging your belief system on pedantry and the illusion of impartiality.

    • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
      2 年前

      I watched that stupid "debate." the whole idea was the noncomplete guy was in the wrong because he could not give a reason for why genocide is bad. Why do you need some kind of highly structured and curated logical framework for why genocide is bad

      Why do you need to appeal to some kind of higher level abstract concept to explain anything

      Genocide is bad. It makes me sad and angry. That's it. Luna Oi and the Noncomplete guy have more patience than I'll ever have and they only talked to him like 5 mintues

      • ssjmarx [he/him]
        2 年前

        NonCompete says that hurting and killing people is bad, Vaush immediately replies "was it bad when we hurt and killed the Nazis?" If Vaush actually applied this framework to the Nazis, he would conclude that they weren't so bad because all they did was hurt and kill people.

      • I_Have_IBS [none/use name]
        2 年前

        "mORaLiTy dOeSnT exiSt OnLy pOwEr"

        - said by a debatebro who is constantly trying to stop himself from heiling like a neckbeard dr. strangelove

      • Alex_Jones [he/him]
        2 年前

        No, don't you understand how irrational you're being by opposing genocide based on emotion? You can't just have a set of mutually understood values! :pit:

        Seriously though, this is why these fucks can't understand why we're against Israel and other actively genocidal powers cough:amerikkka:cough

        As long as they're able to feign impartiality, they will ignore and in turn, enable, genocide and fascism in general. I just wish they weren't doing a Buttons and Mindy sketch the entire time.

        • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
          2 年前

          Oh yeah I remember that. I remember one comment that was like "materialism is just the fuel in the tank, you need an ethical framework as the engine"

          The entire time I'm just :jesse-wtf:

          These people have the weirdest concerns and concept of how the world operates

        • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
          2 年前

          Materialism is a good way to predict that your slaves will eventually put a bullet in your head though.

  • Ecoleo [he/him]
    2 年前

    As soon as Vaush asked "why is that bad?" dude should have just left the stream. At that point you are way past any good-faith discussion, although you really should have known better before entering a debate with fucking vaush in the first place.

    • Alex_Jones [he/him]
      2 年前

      I am glad they left the stream when they did though. Busting out the Jewish banking bullshit was a perfect illustration of why you shouldn't engage with these chuds.

      • Ecoleo [he/him]
        2 年前

        I didn't watch the full stream, did he really go there? How on Earth does this guy call himself left-wing?

        • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
          2 年前

          How on Earth does this guy call himself left-wing?

          The nazis at one point presented themselves as left-wing to gain support.

          • I_Have_IBS [none/use name]
            2 年前

            This. Fascists adopt leftist aesthetics to co-opt working class resentment against the wealthy.

        • FidelCashflow [he/him]
          2 年前

          He is very far left by the standards of beverly hills in which he grew up

        • Alex_Jones [he/him]
          2 年前

          Go to 1:16:00 and a little before to see how the debate ends

          • CyberMao [it/its]
            2 年前

            So he was trying to get EJ to walk into a some gotcha about utilitarianism like this is some goddamn debate with one of his Discord kiddies. He was complaining about you harassing his wife you dense fuck. But then again if Ian admits that not every conversation needs to be framed as a utilitarian philosophical jerkoff session, his entire brand collapses. Fuck this guy.

    • ZachWilsonGOAT [he/him]
      2 年前

      i'm shocked that NonCompete even entertained him after that. what a fucking disgusting piece of shit honestly. Vaush should try doing shit like this in public, see how many teeth he's got left by the end of his fun little debate.

  • Sasuke [comrade/them]
    2 年前

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  • wombat [none/use name]
    2 年前

    I would literally have no idea who "vaush" was if this site didn't post about him incessantly

      • mecha_john_brown [comrade/them,any]
        2 年前

        im here for it, literally i only ever watched second thought, hakim and hasan and now people more online than me are making me more online

        i cannot log off

  • SuperNovaCouchGuy [any]
    2 年前

    This is just Jabba the Vaush weaseling his way out of taking responsibility for his role as overlord plaguefather when his pathetic nurgling hordes spewed their racist vitriol towards a Vietnamese woman with based takes for daring to be... a Vietnamese woman with based takes. Its a classic trick of the sophist when clearly in the wrong, avoid the issue by bringing up an annoying tangentially related topic 10 layers removed from the real world white supremacist patriarchal harm done. What an absolute soycuck diminutive phenotype pedophile shithead.

  • GnastyGnuts [he/him]
    2 年前

    When I think of any of these obnoxious debatebro assholes I think back to Carl of Akkad, and how the things that dealt the biggest blows to his online presence were all just things making fun of him for being a weird, awful dipshit. These people are typically shit with actual reasoning, but they benefit from online "presence" and reputation essentially advertising them as people worth listening to. if that gets sufficiently cracked, it does more than arguing with them.

    • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
      2 年前

      The biggest blow to sargon was how he tried running for parliament and had to interact with people offline

      All of these people collapse when the outside world is introduced because I guess it's not too hard to seem charismatic by comparison on Youtube

  • kissinger
    11 个月前

    deleted by creator

  • kristina [she/her]
    2 年前

    lmao god

    vaush is just a klansman trying to act like a socialist to get people to join the klan

  • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
    2 年前

    I thought that the text above was a paraphrase at least.

    Those words literally happened. They came out of his mouth.

    NC: Your actions support the system of white supremacy that oppresses billions. V: Why is that bad?

    Honestly fuck this dude so much, he may as well be a republican.