hi_communism_im_dad [he/him]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 31st, 2022

  • Dude, this is a really strange thought process, and I think you might want to interrogate it a little more.

    I'm also a thirty something father of multiple children, and sure it's a big responsibility. I also understand your points about risk mitigation. I often joke myself that I used to be a communist but since having kids I'm a liberal, because I find I have far less time for meaningful praxis, and I keep my head lower.

    However, it comes off like you're presenting yourself with some binary of I must choose to tacitly support a genocide against brown people because I have kids and gay friends.

    That's such a strange calculus. You're imaging a scenario where your life here in the empire are as bad as the life we're imposing on the third world, and you're justifying that world order through this imagined scenario.

    Note that I don't care who you or anyone else votes for. I'm only speaking about this rationale.

    If you're not doing this, and just looking for more meaningful actions to take, I apologize, and there are hopefully resources people here could point you to.

  • Folks, it’s time to talk to our kids about staying away from old white people, especially their houses.

    An unfortunate conversation I've had with my kids. It's not uncommon for a neighborhood kid to be in my yard, and I like that. And with those kids, yeah absolutely you can play at their house. But where do I realistically feel safe with them? School I'm fretting about guns, most streets I'm worried about cars.

    I know that I have to let them roam and play, I just wish everything wasn't so hostile to their mere existence and play.

  • Yeah, hard to say. I don't have a cell phone, and focus on spending time with my kids in a variety of settings, but I'm just one influence in their lives. The complete integration of technology into every minute of the day can't be that great for your brain.

    There is an advantage is that nothing can really replicate the feeling of people in your life that you talk to and hug and they care about you and you care about them. I just try to expose them to that as often as possible and hope to win the dopamine turf battle.

    I guess I'd recommend that approach for anyone, just talk to kids, be empathetic, listen, and have fun.

  • hi_communism_im_dad [he/him]toearth*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    Where I live, they have a decorated trailer with a sleigh and Santa on it that comes round. They have a firetruck escort so you know they're coming. It's pretty cool, kids love Santa and firetruck, I look forward to it.

    We get all excited, have the kids quickly get boots and jackets on so we can go outside and see. Cool, right? On the float this year there's no Santa, but there's fucking cops up there. It was like two cops and the family that puts it on.

  • I wake up every morning and drink my coffee out of a world's best dad mug, but I definitely understand not wanting, having, or even liking children. But I cannot imagine going on to reddit dot com and cynically jerking myself and others off over the decision to not have them, just very strange.

    Someone on here mentioned some twitter fighting about children in public spaces, and I would be fine with it if every person who has posted on r/childfree has to under house arrest indefinitely.