He couldn't even unite with leftist against Nancy Pelosi
He couldn't even unite with leftist against Nancy Pelosi
Yeah if the tone doesn't give it away the fact that almost all of the guy's post are just shilling raid shadow legends does.
goku charging up spirit bomb but it's all cum energy
Sometimes I sit and think about the fact that when they threw up the NSA monitoring systems it must have highlighted Epstein and the larger CP operations. I think about the fact that somewhere, someone decided all this needed to continue and how that person has free reign to spy on anyone and their children.
Unless someone is the type of rich that can afford a helicopter to fly over the slums then they better hope to god these evictions don't happen. Like I don't care if they don't have leftist bone in their body, petite bouge should ask themselves where they think all the extra encampments are going to go.
I think what happened was the left made a token effort at securing a meaningless seat. Like a dog chasing cars, there was no actual plan for what was supposed to happen if she won. Since leftist don't vote as a block it was arguably impossible to make a plan. Without any tangible stakes there was nothing to offer the public who largely didn't bother voting at all.
So anyway I decided to do the honorable thing and start fucking birds
I think a lot of it is fear honestly. Like in the back of their heads internet people know they share probably 90% of the same interest and hobbies as a lot of people who are autistic, they just didn't realize it until recently when people began talking more openly about autism. They are using hatred to try and create distance again.
They can't decide whether to let the US have favelas or not. They know the people caught in this massive wave will never be able to even rent a normal home again. When your tent city is reaching the tens of thousands you can't just send cops to bust it up anymore.
bike-o pedal large or alternatively the metal pedestrian
literally the plot of 99 homes
A bunch of those channels and the RLM guys got mad at her over the press junkets and other girlpower promo stuff for captain marvel
you think you're so hydrated you can just give it all away?
I think there's a decent argument for stuff like covid to be treated more like hurricane advisories, amber alerts, or other public safety notices where they supersede the normal news apparatus. We currently don't get paralyzed by a giant debate on if Hurricane Irma is real or if the missing kid actually exist. It was a mistake for Fauci to play media darling and for the CDC to have news disseminate through the cable networks. Should've just been alerts to everyone's devices and then regular official press conferences.
There really is something to the idea people are trying to recreate the experience of being feudal lords. About half way through the article the Farmers basically admit they don't really care about the trail itself and are just trying to assert their power over the land by being contrarian. You can tell a lot of settlers end up with a cultural imposter syndrome thing going on.
It hasn't sunk in yet that this argument is over. Mitch McConnell is out there telling everyone to wear mask and people are still acting like jumping to the republicans would do anything. Does anyone really think if getting rid of mask was a real option that Mitch wouldn't back it? The resident media cynics were still secretly thinking we'd bounce back to normal, we're not. We fucked up bad enough the minimum effort to keep heads above water is now higher and day to day life is going to be different.
I feel like something needs to be cleaned up in regards to electoralism. The problem with the DSA or other group's efforts isn't that they interact with the rigged political system, it's that the underlying analysis behind a lot of those efforts doesn't go beyond incrementalism. The republic isn't viewed as a protective shell that needs to be cracked so you get things like Biden telling the activist to fuck off and then some activist themselves trying to kill the story to preserve the illusion of their own influence.
That specifically is where things kept falling apart in regards to the squad and the Bernie campaigns. Bernie's failure as a leftist wasn't that he didn't win rigged elections and pass his reforms, it's that he wouldn't get in front his millions of supporters to calmly explain to them that Biden has no intention of letting the kids out of the cages, relieving student debt, or passing single payer. Our version of the republic is a mirrored shell and the progressives polished it so the versions of themselves people saw in it looked a little less distorted and grotesque.
That's core thing of it. The analysis of these electoral systems as fraudulent is exactly why they must be engaged with and attacked. It's where someone like Evo Morales can eventually score real victories and we don't.
phase 2 is when it would actually be possible to build the radical organizations people talk about because the political anxieties that were satiated by the illusion of democracy have no outlet.
Honestly if someone comes in and steals their thunder it'll be Dore or some electoral version of whatever he's doing. All these other people either stagnated or started bleeding support, which is probably the source of a lot of the anxiety they're projecting onto tankies. Gilibrand\Harris\Booker\Warren were like the big red warning sign saying nobody actually wants the ultra lib movement these guys are attempting to pivot into.
I'm half way through and kinda iffy on this one. Like I think she was really dismissive of the fact there are a lot of direct material reasons for this kind of hatred. For example with the Marie Antoinette thing, saying she did nothing wrong just ignores all the horror that supported her. The fake quote about cake was only effective in the first place because it spoke to a truth about the structure of french society. They both knew that as bad or worse was being said all the time and there was utility in using the right rhetoric to end those conditions. It's like the video pays lip service to Marx at the start as a joke, but there is real truth to the idea that a lot of this aggression is manifested class conflict even if it does look like stupid tweets.
I feel like she falls into the misconception you have to be a marxist, attempting socialism or have some other signifier at which point you can be taken seriously as a political actor, which leads to minimizing the larger forces at play with pop psychology.