• bidenicecream [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    Meh I dunno, I've seen people in their 20s look like they're 40-something. If he's gonna spend millions then hopefully that knowledge can be used for the rest of us. He shares his protocol and all his data on his website (Blueprint). He has a huge team of doctors monitoring all his vitals, levels, etc. at the macroscopic and molecular level. And according to the data, he has reduced his epigenetic age and also reduced the rate of future aging. As for him looking creepy, it's probably because he's white with smooth skin (and probably doesn't expose his skin to the sun because it will damage it, which tbh is a fair concern). If he were black or brown, people might say "black don't crack" or something like that.

    Tbh there's a lot of cope in the comments here. Like getting older isn't just about looking older. It's also not being able to recover from injuries and being at higher risk of things like cancer, etc. because your cells become less efficient at killing damaged cells and regenerating healthy ones. Try being 16 and tearing a tendon vs being 40 and doing it. It's honestly not fair, and tbh youth is kind of "wasted on the young."

    And this problem affects societies as well. Every developed nation has an aging population and the child birth rates are declining as well. I'd rather extend my youthful time on this planet than be in constant pain due to aging. If people are delaying childbirth, then having healthier parents at an older age is also nice, especially if you want to play with an active kid. And yes I know "diet, exercise, sleep" is important but tbh it sounds like a capitalist saying "you just need to buckle down and find a job." Like I fucking know that stuff is important but it's not gonna fix everything.

    If anti-aging research was being done in Cuba or China the comments would unironically be "damn gimme some of that youth energy Xi!!!!" All the angry sentiments in the comments here come off as libertarian-bro contrarianism (for contrarianism sake).

    EDIT: Just to be clear, I do not support or condone exploiting young people as blood bags. I was talking about anti-aging research in general. I thought we just had a big thread about how people need to stop taking the worst possible interpretation of comments here. Jesus...

    • electricaltape [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      If anti-aging research was being done in Cuba or China the comments would unironically be "damn gimme some of that youth energy Xi!!!!" All the angry sentiments in the comments here come off as libertarian-bro contrarianism (for contrarianism sake).


      It's totally cuz he's a silicon valley bro. I mean yeah let him bro out, but if there's valuable knowledge in there then use it (just like the Chinese did when they allowed western companies in).

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        It's totally cuz he's a silicon valley bro

        The actual vampirism may be a part you're glossing over, as is the already existing practice of economically coercing teenagers and 20somethings to trade their own blood (for research as it is often spun when it actually goes to Th!el enterprises and/or exported for profit) for textbook money, as advertised everywhere in local college campuses in my area.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Tbh there's a lot of cope in the comments here.

      If you're going to claim there's cope in the comments, I call out your apparent cope regarding some hope that billionaire vanity projects (involving literally grooming young people to be blood bags for the rich) will somehow trickle down for your personal benefit.

      Even if there's something to it, the chances of affordable age-defying treatments (that don't require grooming and preying on coerced young people) don't look good when insulin, right now, costs pennies to make and has thousands of percent markup, and that isn't even the worst of price gouging for medical treatments.

      If anti-aging research was being done in Cuba or China the comments would unironically be "damn gimme some of that youth energy Xi!!!!"


      You don't speak for everyone here when you claim that your apparent (I'd like to be wrong here but in the context of what you're defending in this thread, it's not looking good) hopes for sweet sweet youth serum at the expense of other people are universal cravings, as you are doing here by running interference on the actually ghoulish practice of draining the blood of younger people in the hopes it pays off for rich old assholes. The fuck kind of leftists would we be if we supposedly all craved to extend our lives at the expense of others around us?

      • bidenicecream [none/use name]
        1 year ago

        Where did I ever say that it's some kind of false dichotomy between using youth blood like a vampire vs affordable insulin? I think you're constructing some enemy in your head to get mad at. I fully support making healthcare dirt cheap and free for everyone, including any kind of anti-aging shit. And the blood bag thing is like one part of what he does. Go and his website and check it out, the rest of it is just supplements, exercise routines, and other shit that's supposedly optimized for anti-aging. He's going to be doing it anyways, so unless you have some kind of plan to organize and redistribute his wealth, your energy is better spent at least learning something from his experiments. Otherwise it's just impotent anger. I think you need to take a chill pill. Disengage.

    • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      And this problem affects societies as well. Every developed nation has an aging population and the child birth rates are declining as well. I'd rather extend my youthful time on this planet than be in constant pain due to aging. If people are delaying childbirth, then having healthier parents at an older age is also nice, especially if you want to play with an active kid. And yes I know "diet, exercise, sleep" is important but tbh it sounds like a capitalist saying "you just need to buckle down and find a job." Like I fucking know that stuff is important but it's not gonna fix everything.

      If anti-aging research was being done in Cuba or China the comments would unironically be "damn gimme some of that youth energy Xi!!!!" All the angry sentiments in the comments here come off as libertarian-bro contrarianism (for contrarianism sake).

      I'll just say I completely agree with this take, you said almost everything I would here.

      One of the main problems with this site is people tend to make literaly everything, and I mean everything a guilty by association exercise and it seems to be getting worse in the past 6 months. Sometimes its treat wars(e.g anime used to be such topic until some of these posters decided to chill about it) or sometimes its just technology(chatgpt was a huge struggle) or things that exist under capitalism that people will just contextualize it in the worst way possible.

      For example EV and electrification gets shit on by being associated with Musk despite China actualy being by far the biggest leader in the field now, the fuck cars crowd doesn't let go an inch, and to be absolutely clear here its not like they're wrong inherently, I don't even like cars at all in particular, but the point here is because cars suck in the context of western capitalist society everything to do with it must also suck regardless of context.

      With regards to anti-aging its one of the things I actualy have hopes for it will succeed in some fashion, the humanitarian arguments far outweigh chapo.chat's struggle sessions and people realy, I mean realy underestimate just how much pain and suffering age related diseases and symptoms actualy causes to society.

      And yeah you might argue but some billionaire fuck will be the first to get it and I say that is a small price to pay, Kissinger is living to 100 and we did nothing about it that is all you need to know about the state of revolutionary or even adventurist action from the left, clutching pearls about some Musk type living to 100? Yeah not a good look.

      Maybe you'll say but US healthcare is too expensive and I say I'm sorry but so? Healthcare is affordable in many other places, in fact its more accessible in the third world even(medical tourism) so yeah maybe one day you'll go to Mexico, Brazil or Philippines to get some anti-aging treatment, is that even bad? Its certainly better than not having it at all, at least some decent amount of normal people will also get it and that is a good starting point to me.

      • electricaltape [none/use name]
        1 year ago

        With regards to anti-aging its one of the things I actualy have hopes for it will succeed in some fashion, the humanitarian arguments far outweigh chapo.chat's struggle sessions and people realy, I mean realy underestimate just how much pain and suffering age related diseases and symptoms actualy causes to society.

        There's literally a comment up top that says:

        Aging is not a disease. There’s nothing wrong with being old.

        And while I get that sentiment in terms of anti-age-discrimination I also think they are not seeing your and biden's overall point.

        For example EV and electrification gets shit on by being associated with Musk despite China actualy being by far the biggest leader in the field now, the fuck cars crowd doesn't let go an inch, and to be absolutely clear here its not like they're wrong inherently, I don't even like cars at all in particular, but the point here is because cars suck in the context of western capitalist society everything to do with it must also suck regardless of context.

        Or if you point out that in rural and suburban places oftentimes a car is a must, you'll get told that you're "carbrained as f*ck" (that actually happened to me). I mean yeah a world with less cars would be great, but some online leftist isn't going to be able to wish it away just like that. I thought the whole point of socialism was that it was a transition from capitalism to communism, not some kind of instant utopian thing.

        One of the main problems with this site is people tend to make literaly everything, and I mean everything a guilty by association exercise and it seems to be getting worse in the past 6 months. Sometimes its treat wars(e.g anime used to be such topic until some of these posters decided to chill about it) or sometimes its just technology(chatgpt was a huge struggle) or things that exist under capitalism that people will just contextualize it in the worst way possible.


        People will still say things like "unironically death to all anime" just because they personally don't like/watch it. At this point its getting tiring. I wonder what actual marxists that have political power in places like Cuba or China think about these technological advancements (I bet that at least in Chinese universities they are researching this stuff, they wouldn't just let only western unis do this stuff).

      • bidenicecream [none/use name]
        1 year ago

        And yeah you might argue but some billionaire fuck will be the first to get it and I say that is a small price to pay, Kissinger is living to 100 and we did nothing about it that is all you need to know about the state of revolutionary or even adventurist action from the left, clutching pearls about some Musk type living to 100? Yeah not a good look.

        Yeah and when he passes all the "leftists" (I cringe even calling them that) in online spaces will post a million crab gifs in celebration, as though they actually had something to do with it.

      • mar_k [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Nobody’s against anti-aging research lol it’s the exploitative way it’s being done. It’s not that deep, people are expressing how they’re weirded out by this particular guy and his intentions, most people aren’t even denying it could have a net positive, we’re just creeped by the context of it. Shit if this kind of research isn’t gonna be done in an ethical and normal way, then so be it. But I’m still allowed to find the context of it a little off-putting.

        I’ll gladly shit talk Tesla and that doesn’t mean I’m against EVs.

    • arabiclearner
      1 year ago

      And yes I know "diet, exercise, sleep" is important but tbh it sounds like a capitalist saying "you just need to buckle down and find a job." Like I fucking know that stuff is important but it's not gonna fix everything.

      Yeah if the capitalists are gonna develop some kind of anti-aging pill or injection, then China and India will just copy it and it'll benefit millions more in the global south. I mean according to the "classical" theory from Marx, it's better to let them develop this shit and then just appropriate it when the time is right.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        It's fine and good if it doesn't involve economically coercing younger people to "donate" for pennies on the dollar for "research" for billionaire immortality gambits as it currently is now.

        Whether non-vampiric treatments will be affordable in the west in the forseeable future when fucking insulin still isn't for a lot of people looks dubious.

    • Judge_Jury [comrade/them, he/him]
      1 year ago

      If anti-aging research was being done in Cuba or China the comments would unironically be "damn gimme some of that youth energy Xi!!!!" All the angry sentiments in the comments here come off as libertarian-bro contrarianism (for contrarianism sake).

      Lol. Who gets the good medicine in Cuba? Who gets it in the US?

    • mar_k [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Meh I dunno, I've seen people in their 20s look like they're 40-something.

      Well I'm in college, if I sat next to this dude in one of my classes I seriously doubt I'd think he's as young as even 35, looking close at his face in the first two pics.

      If he were black or brown, people might say "black don't crack" or something like that

      Your point is coming across a little chuddish. "Welll if the roles were reversed" type comment.

      If anti-aging research was being done in Cuba or China the comments would unironically be "damn gimme some of that youth energy Xi!!!!"

      If the government ran studies to help mitigate effects on aging that's one thing. If a billionaire Chinese man who looks like he's obsessed with himself did this with his son, I'd be equally creeped out (honestly, China might sentence a guy who tried to do that).

      Look maybe this is good research and could be a net positive, idk. The angry sentiment is coming from 1) it's exploitative and coming off creepy, 2) it seems like a self-absorbed rich person scared of wrinkles with too much money trying to be more desirable by volunteering as a guinea pig. The science part might be true, but to him, it's obviously just an excuse to be a narcissistic vampire, with the blood and time and money to explore what he calls his little "fountain of youth." That's why people think it's dystopian. And looking more into him, he literally has a more extensive vanity routine than Patrick Bateman.

      Look at what's happening here and tell me it's gonna help people's bones heal faster:


    • YoungBelden [any]
      1 year ago

      if billionaires wanna do experiments on themselves i'm all for it tbh

      normalize billionaires sacrificing themselves for science