• Pili [any, any]
    1 year ago

    Ok but seriously, is there anything that the CPC is bad at?

    Edit: Thanks for the responses guys, you've all made really good points!

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      Their neutrality makes them popular with both developing countries who want to get support from China and the US, but it also means they don’t push for changes in corrupt and tyrannical governments, so you get shit friendliness with countries like Israel and Saudi Arabia. But compare that to the US, where they’ll nominally force you to “improve” your government and human rights, pillage your country, coup it when someone stands up to them, and STILL be friendly with Israel and Saudi Arabia.

        1 year ago

        Their neutrality makes them popular with both developing countries

        ASEAN and India would disagree with that.

        • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Not gonna say you're wrong about India, obviously there's a ton of animosity there - the infighting over who should join BRICS+ really exemplifies it - but when you look at things like trade flows over the last decade then they have been constantly increasing. I think part of China's charm, strategy even, is that even if the government of X country dislikes China for Y political reason, the economic logic of increasing ties in a capitalist system is hard to fight against. Capitalists want profit.

          A little more confused about ASEAN, can you expand on that? Sure, not everybody in ASEAN is particularly glad about China's increasing regional power, but most of them seem to be okay outside of naval disputes. This statement published just a couple weeks ago at the 26th ASEAN-China Summit sounds fairly positive about their relationship and boosting ties.

            1 year ago

            More economic ties with China does not necessarily mean these countries want to have friendlier cultural ties with China. ASEAN and India have territorial disputes, aside from ideological differences. The trade deals are just business, and therefore not reflective of what the countries really think of China whether they could be seen as ally, to be trusted, etc.

            The only developing nations I see who are in more warmer and friendlier terms with China are in Africa. But even many local Africans complain of how many Chinese firms does business (debt trap, not hiring locals, etc).

            • silent_water [she/her]
              1 year ago

              economic ties matter because the US, the hegemon of the present economic order, is trying to cut China out of said economic ties. culture is a superstructure built on top of the material base. not to mention, worrying about how two countries on the other side of the world "feel" about each other is peak liberal cope.

                1 year ago

                You're not wrong about US wanting to remain hegemon, but no one from democratic countries would want to align to countries with you know... authoritarian. Surveys still show that much of the world still prefer the US as a superpower, despite many countries wanting to trade with China. Having trade relations does not mean the parties are friends. More often than not, countries are just business partners. That's called realpolitik-- and a cynical one at that. Countries that are even allied still want something in return. A lot of white Western champagne socialists never bother to research, ask or get to know the actual opinions of those from countries who are being bullied by China in South China Sea from their exclusive economic zones. Japan, China, South Korea and ASEAN signed a trade union, but it doesn't mean they will all relinquish their own territorial claims. For many white Western champagne socialists, the conditions of black and brown people they purport to try to alleviate from Western imperialism are tools for exploitation for their own ideological self-masturbatory, pat-on-the-back congratulations.

                Another factor why the US is still preferred than China as the global power is because US has better soft power, something that China could never amount to. The totalitarianism of China is something that many will not be impressed by. Not trying to make the US flawless, it's clear they aren't, it's just that they're lesser evil than China. Oh and before anyone says anything about US being worse than China and vice versa, I know they're both bad; this isn't evil Olympics. Many people surveyed thinks both countries are threat to world peace.

                • RedDawn [he/him]
                  1 year ago

                  but no one from democratic countries would want to align to countries with you know... authoritarian.

                  The US is way more authoritarian than China, probably the most authoritarian country in the world by any reasonable metric, so I don't see your point.

                  Not trying to make the US flawless, it's clear they aren't, it's just that they're lesser evil than China.

                  A fundamentally ridiculous assertion, the US is many orders of magnitude more evil.

                        • RedDawn [he/him]
                          1 year ago

                          Youve made not a single argument as to why or how China is a "greater evil" than the US, you deserve nothing but mockery in response to such a nonsensical assertion. And it's telling that you have to reach for ridiculous claims about your interlocutors who you know nothing about instead of reaching for any actual argument, which is what you would do if you had one. On some level I think you actually know the US is worse or you would have attempted to argue the point instead of making stuff up about me.

                          • Zodiark
                            2 months ago

                            deleted by creator

                            • CascadeOfLight [he/him]
                              1 year ago

                              concentration camps for Muslim minorities

                              Ah sorry, you didn't get the memo, that one doesn't play any more!


                              The deradicalization campaign finished and now that terrorism is over, the schools closed down.

                              All 10-15,000 people involved now know Mandarin and a trade.

                            • RedDawn [he/him]
                              1 year ago

                              Which one has concentration camps for Muslim minorities and bully their neighbours? Which one arrests and send their citizens to concentration camps for criticising their government?

                              Not China, that's just made up nonsense. The US does have concentration camps along its souther border to detain the people fleeing conditions the US created with it's ultraviolence against Latin America though, and does hold Muslim prisoners without trial in a torture camp that they illegally operate on Cuban soil, for example.

                              Which one has been bombing or invading some country somewhere every single day for the last 40 years and which one hasn't bombed or invaded anybody over the same time period?

                              Which one has the largest prison population in the world despite having far fewer people? Which one has cops kill almost 1,000 people every year? Which one has 800 military bases around the world to enforce its hegemony on other countries? Which one was founded on slavery and genocide? Which one used nuclear weapons on civilians, which one maintains a nuclear first strike policy to this day? Which one has hundreds of thousands of people sleeping in the streets?

                              • RedDawn [he/him]
                                1 year ago

                                But if they don't exist how can we sneer at the poors for their poverty while also simultaneously claiming that they're privileged and pampered as a dismissal of their criticisms?

                            • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                              1 year ago

                              I wish the phantasms in your mind really existed because bilking the US like that would be rad. Unfortunately, only the rich get that much money from the state for free.

            • GarbageShoot [he/him]
              1 year ago

              debt trap


    • uralsolo
      11 months ago

      deleted by creator

    • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
      1 year ago

      foreign policy is a weaker area, I would say. I think it's certainly based more on a long-term view of geopolitics, as best as I can tell the Party seems to be essentially thinking "The logic of Marxism is ironclad enough that we can be sure that even if we have to wait 70 years, development of these countries like that which we have been doing with the Belt and Road will result in a transition from capitalism to socialism; we need not rock the boat like the USSR did, we can simply wait, give some nudges, and everything will fall into place"

      the unfortunate part of this obviously is that countries and socialist parties/movements that could really use a shitload of arms (that China could easily produce and supply with its massive industry) probably won't get them, or if they do then it'll be in relatively small quantities so as to not trigger suspicion.

      their foreign policy is much better than America's obviously but they'd have to dig past the bedrock of hell itself to even approach that bar

      also their massive amounts of coal plants. don't get me wrong, they're also the biggest renewable producer by far and there are legitimate reasons why they need a ton of power generation even if it's the shittiest form, I know the arguments, but it still fucking sucks that they're making as many as they are

        • GarbageShoot [he/him]
          1 year ago

          People are speaking in the present tense, we're not defending Deng's foreign policy

      • Pili [any, any]
        1 year ago

        Yes foreign policy is a very weak area

        we can simply wait, give some nudges, and everything will fall into place

        I found it really disappointing when they gave weapons to the Philippines government to use against the revolutionary army there.

      • Pili [any, any]
        1 year ago

        I like TikTok, but I hate my semi-addiction to TikTok. I could be reading theory instead of mindlessly swiping those dumb videos.

            • silent_water [she/her]
              1 year ago

              ofc not, no more than any is going to become educated on theory from lemmy - there's no substitute for reading books. but just like lemmy, there's comrades producing agitprop and teaching the basics to get people interested enough to read said books. is it a substitute for a real org? absolutely not - posting is not in fact praxis. but it's not meaningfully worse than the rest of social media.

          • Pili [any, any]
            1 year ago

            I appreciate the thought, but I'll keep to the books. I'm not particularly interested in getting theory from tiktok, I've seen how wrong people can be on that platform as on any other social media.