• autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]
    6 months ago

    The core joke here is "Hbomberguy could solve the Kira case AND intuit the mechanics of the death note" which I find very funny. But your critiques are fair.

    And huh, I had always assumed that Light would have had to have find a trans person's deadname if it wasnt legally changed (for example).

    • GarbageShoot [he/him]
      6 months ago

      I'm definitely giving an interpretation, to be clear, though there is some evidence for it. I think there ended up being an aside, for example, that L's given name was really considered to be "L" by the shinigami eyes (with his legal surname still being needed for the Death Note), though whether it was because he thought of himself as L or because others thought of him as L or something else is never explained.

    • ProletarianDictator [none/use name]
      6 months ago

      Why do leftists put so much respect on hbomberguy? especially compared to breadtube at large.

      I've seen a handful of his videos and they seem like just decently well-made gaming commentary. I accidentally half-watched ~3 hours of the 4 hour long video after it autoplayed, and felt it didn't warrant the glowing appreciation I saw online about it. Not explicitly bad, just far too much effort put into calling out people for plagiarizing...which I don't give a flying fuck about because it's usually immaterial and glorifying IP rights.

      Never had any strong opinion about him, but got a vague impression he'd eventually pull the same thing most YouTubers do...burn any good will on anti-AES takes.

      • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
        6 months ago

        That's the worst take I have ever seen on plagiarism. Claiming the result of someone else's labor as your own is clearly bourgeois behavior. Plus, for research, a clear paper trail is essential to making sure the speaker is not making shit up.

        • ProletarianDictator [none/use name]
          6 months ago

          Bourgeois isn't a feeling, it's a class relation. Copying publicly accessible, infinitely repoducible information and signing your name on it is shitty, but it isn't stealing surplus value.

          Plus, for research, a clear paper trail is essential to making sure the speaker is not making shit up.

          Plagiarism should be discouraged for this reason.

          • silent_water [she/her]
            6 months ago

            when a major queer youtuber steals the entire bodies of work of much, much smaller queer writers, profiting on their work and returning not even the means for social reproduction, they've expropriated surplus value and then some. some of the people stolen from died from AIDS, in obscurity, while others received pennies on the dollar for their work. half the video was building up cases of what plagiarism looks like in order to make this charge.

          • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
            6 months ago

            And yet, certain behaviors get caught up within that class and are replicated outside of it. If you get money without performing labor, that's stealing surplus value. Simple as. Social capital is also crucial, so your argument is invalid.

      • autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]
        6 months ago

        Oh, i just saw what youre replying to.

        The tumblr post's joke is because his last two videos have been investigative deep dives where he exposes people for frauds. The roblox oof video that ends up being more about exposing Tommy Talarico involved some pretty incredible feets of research. So "he's a good enough detectice to catch Light" becomes a funny joke to make.

      • autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]
        6 months ago

        He's managed to avoid doing that for this long by merely avoiding the subject. And he's doing well on Palestine. He's been around long enough now that I doubt thatll change.

        I think he earned most of his leftist street cred through his big charity stream for Mermaids. And a few of his vids have been criticizing right wing creators or topics.

        But tbh in dont like him because I think of him as a principled leftist lol I just like his content a lot. Especially his Pathgologic video and ESPECIALLY the video on Loss. His potical videos arent even my prefered stuff from him, though his climate change one is solid.

        That said, bad take to say you don't care about the plagerism he covered in his video, because its mostly cases of larger creators with clout stealing from powerless smaller creators. Im anti-IP too but smaller creators need protection from theft whilest capitalism still exists. Its the same reason the majority of leftists are against AI art, at least under capitalism.

        • ProletarianDictator [none/use name]
          6 months ago

          Especially his Pathgologic video

          YouTube wanted me to watch this so bad. I thought it was good, but I had never heard of Pathologic before the video. I think I'm just not interested in that genre of content.

          Im anti-IP too but smaller creators need protection from theft whilest capitalism still exists.

          Theft of what? If I publish a video reading out your article, what was stolen from you? I understand the sentiment, but there's limited tangible impact. The discussion on AI produced content is more interesting because it introduces systemic components & is capable of copying & pre-empting creators at scale.

          • LesbianLiberty [she/her]
            6 months ago

            The way writers get more money is through notoriety, when you steal a writer's work without saying they made it you claim the notoriety for yourself and effectively get to steal future roles and credibility that would have given them money.

            Writers build a moneyed career slowly over time, being paid for good articles isn't the point and isn't why they do it, they do it to build for future positions and security. In this lense it's easy to see that yes, it is literally bourgeois behavior to steal uncredited labor to build your own enterprise.

          • Great_Leader_Is_Dead
            6 months ago

            If I publish a video reading out your article, what was stolen from you?

            Well in that case nothing cuz I assume you credited me properly when you read the title and author

          • autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]
            6 months ago

            Yeah I hadnt heard of Pathologic before either, but Hbomb made exploring it interesting for me. Ill probably never play it though lol

      • Sinistar
        6 months ago

        HBomb, as well as Shaun (and Jen) and Contrapoints, was just in the right place at the right time with left-leaning content. He was dunking on alt right weirdos when they were surging in YouTube's algo, and thus was one of the first big names in the Breadtube phenomenon, which could be seen as a reaction by progressives against the right wing domination of the platform. "Breadtube" has of course grown and changed in the meantime, and I don't think HBomb claims the label, but he was riding the wave of it whether he intended to or not.

        He's pretty far down my list of lefties at this point. He makes good videos but he's basically avoided talking leftist politics or even dunking on right wingers for a long time, although I'll say that his stream for the trans youth charity Mermaids remains a legendary online event.

        If you want to see his best content, I suggest you scroll back to his videos dunking on The Golden One, Sargon of Akkad, Thunderf00t, and Pick up Artists. IMO the longer and more well researched videos he does now aren't as good and cathartic as the thirty minute ones he got e-famous with.

        • ProletarianDictator [none/use name]
          6 months ago

          This was the stuff I preferred too. I vaguely remember the golden one vid being good. Agreed on the shorter form videos. I don't want to watch something for 2 hours unless it has some key insight on systemic phenomena. Same reason I can't enjoy true crime shit. 20-30 min is the sweet spot.