HAPPY PRIDE EVERYONE!!! bridget-pride

  • good_girl [she/her, they/them]
    4 months ago

    Happy pride cat-trans

    moving woes

    Moving to get away from my shitty roommate and I can not wait to get tf out of here. There's something new with this fucking guy every goddamn day.

    But my god i'd forgotten how fucking insufferable the process is. WHY does applying to places cost minimum $25? WHY do they have to see my bank balances? WHY do people have visible disdain for non-families moving in? I hate every fucking step of this.

    I'm actually out of money, I had to borrow money from my partner and she's also nearly out of money. I literally can not afford to apply to a new place for the next 3-4 days and time feels like it's very quickly running out. I applied for a loan from my own retirement account so hopefully that makes everything go smoother but it also means I'm tied to this job that i fucking despise until i pay it off and that money's not going to get to me for at least 3 days, maybe longer.

    And there's absolutely no guarantee that we're even going to be accepted by anywhere we apply to. Every place I've gone to see has had more than just us seeing it, and it's almost always a more "traditional family." My partner has been very pessimistic about even finding a place during this entire process and though I've been trying to stay optimistic and to keep both our spirits high I'm starting to be worn down. I have options if we fail to find a place by the end of the month, but my other two potential roommates are going to be shit outta luck and I can't have that on my conscience.

    One silver lining is at least if everything goes well my new roommates will be my long-time friend's non-binary partner, and a trans woman.

    • Des [she/her, they/them]M
      4 months ago

      the current way the rental application process works is ridiculous. i had to dive into it 5 years ago after living with parents and some various nepo arrangements with mom and pop landlords

      i found out i was blocked from ever renting by the application process. even got laughed out of one rental attempt despite perfect credit, plenty of $ and income requirement

      literally had to buy a house

      thanks to a lucky find and one of the few holdovers from the new deal, the USDA loan (aka the hope you are willing to drive 45 minutes to a job! loan)

      fuck i can't even imagine adding my partner and I's transness to the equation. back then we could at least appear as a kooky cishet couple

      good luck i wish you liberation from this soul crushing experience cat-trans