I am genuinely confused by hexbear too

Is it a site for queer people or for beanis lovers?

  • ButtBidet [he/him]
    25 days ago

    Hexbears can’t answer the question “is it ok to kill civilians” without asking “Palestinian or Ukrainian?”

    Prolonging the war saves Ukrainian lives how? Really, someone from an outside instance answer. I promise not to debate you and just take your opinion.

    For some non-Hexbearians reading this: I actively want to prevent Ukrainian conscripts (many of whom are avoiding the draft) from getting chewed up in the meat grinder. Yes, Russia bad. But I have zero control over what Russia does, wheres my own leaders are trying to drag this war out until every able bodied person in Ukraine is disabled or dead.

    • EmoThugInMyPhase [he/him]
      25 days ago

      People on here have always been critical of the west’s bloodthirsty enthusiasm for depleted uranium on Ukrainian soil (people have to live here after this shit!), Ukrainian industry and properties being privatized, refugees being mistreated by Europeans, conscripts (hell we’re more charitable to these guys compared to IDF conscripts because Israelis aren’t fleeing their “country” to escape the draft), and we even become perplexed by the west’s so called aid to Ukraine that’s full of inefficient military contractors looking for a quick buck first before helping Ukraine’s military, or how Ukraine’s local governments are corrupt and failed to build proper defenses to stop Russians and no consequences were dealt by the Ukrainian government

      These westoids don’t give a fuck about any of that. As far as they’re concerned, the ghost of Kyiv is still kicking ruzzyianaski ass 50000:1

      • huf [he/him]
        25 days ago

        yeah, like, even if we pretend the west is awesome cool democracy and russia needs to be destroyed, HOW IS THIS INCOMPETENT MESS YOU'RE DOING GONNA ACHIEVE THAT???

        but no, we just have to want it very hard and it'll come.

    • dumpster_dove [he/him]
      25 days ago

      I will reciprocate their vibes-based take on what Hexbears think, and presume that they believe Putin would just be emboldened by victory in Ukraine and promptly invade another country. Thus, the war can only stop if Putin is defeated.

        • TechnoUnionTypeBeat [he/him, they/them]
          25 days ago

          While simultaneously believing that a single Western tank can destroy an entire brigade of Russian ones without taking damage, and that a single F-16 is sufficient to maintain a permanent no fly zone

          • TheWurstman [he/him]
            25 days ago

            You clearly haven’t heard of Doug Masters


            • ButtBidet [he/him]
              24 days ago

              Geez the HUD in the movie did not age well. It looks like someone did it in MS Paint.


      • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
        25 days ago

        U C, Putin is actually Hitler, and Hitler wanted to conquer to world, so Putin wants to conquer the world.

        Just don't ask why Russia is only invading Ukraine. They do want all the other countries too.

        • LesbianLiberty [she/her]
          25 days ago

          But then you could easily say that Russia only has the economic power to fight one enemy at a time

          • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
            25 days ago

            Did I mention that Hitler and Putin are also Voldemort? That might help.

        • Greenleaf [he/him]
          25 days ago

          Not just why only Ukraine, but Putin has been at the head of Russia for over 25 years. Before Ukraine the only military interventions Putin got Russia involved in were in places that were in Russia (Chechnya and Dagestan). I guess there’s Syria but even libs don’t see that one beyond just aiding Assad.

          If Putin wants to conquer Europe he sure is taking his sweet time.

            • Black_Mald_Futures [any]
              25 days ago

              imagine my complete and utter shock as I read the wiki page on the russo-georgian war only to find what finally brought things to conflict was NATO considering Georgia for membership

            • PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
              25 days ago

              Not Georgia, South Osetia, a internationally unrecognized state which nevertheless maintained de facto independence since 1991. And it wasn't even an invasion - Georgians started ethnically cleansing Osetians and Osetians called Russia for help. Pretty much humanitarian intervention, especially that Georgians were also incited by west. Entire thing ended way less bloody than Ukraine because Georgians weren't terminally nazi brained and backed off. Unsurprisingly, Russia didn't invaded entire Caucasus and west Asia after this, nor even any parts of Georgia.

              Fun fact: it also ended the very popular and decades old Russian genre of "Georgian jokes" which portrayed Georgians like incredibly foolhardy and incredibly tough people - because entire Georgian army withdrawn when a single spetsnaz brigade shown up.

        • rio [none/use name]
          22 days ago

          I saw a map of “countries Russia likely to invade next” and it was literally the CSTO.