• Findom_DeLuise [she/her, they/them]
    4 days ago

    Watching semi-problematic slop so that I can try to predict what the Lily Simpson and Verity Ritchie reviews are going to rant about

    On a good enough day, you get a 5-hour Jay Exci takedown

    • SUPAVILLAIN@lemmygrad.ml
      3 days ago

      You just explained why I stay tapped into gaming news despite despising nearly every big-budget publisher that still exists, and having practically no hope for the industry save the indies. Because if somebody screws the pooch hard enough, Stephanie Sterling will spend thirty minutes verbally suplexing them.

      Verb choice intentional; do you know how much I'd pay to get chokeslammed by the Commander?

      • Findom_DeLuise [she/her, they/them]
        3 days ago


        ...Honestly, if you find her at a signing, I think she'll chokeslam you for free. Twice and without warning if you're wearing an Ubisoft t-shirt.