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Since I am unable to eep late at night despite being eepy, I shall share a study as a little treat:
click for study and blogging
This is Views From Both Sides of the Bridge? and it fuckin slaps. I discovered it by punching "trans sexuality" (critical spacebar press) into Searx or something ages ago. I have also done this with "autism and sexuality" because Idk I'm weird this way. The title might sound less than promising, but the abstract is downright insightful;
It's pretty silly and boring that it only polls Terminally Online Mostly White Binary Trans People From Burger Empire, but that's okay, it's got cool and funny observations: 'More transfem people cohabitate!' This Just In: truly, the u-haul is essential to the experience of being a dyke, since lesbians were like 30% more common than straight trans women or some shit.
It has a lot of stats I never thought I would see statistified though: Trans women are less likely to want to discuss dysphoria in a relationship, and naturally trans men are more game to talk about their junk with a partner. Funnily, 85% of both categories surveyed are chill with being touched 'down there'. One third of people surveyed are non-monogamous in some form. These statistics are amazing, even if it's just a small study group. I'd die to have more info like this freely available. Idk it's like an anthropology thing, look at the facts about my people. Qualitative and quantitative study and surveys coupled with ACTUAL FIRST PERSON TESTIMONY about trans people and their sexual/romantic lives? I'd pay for this, easily. How many stupid fucking cisnormative studies are there that are basically trash? This is gold to me.
Views also provides super concrete utterly unassailable objective proof that dogmatic, stringent, binary gender ideals are unhealthy for you:
That's my personal favourite stat. I cannot genuinely express how pleased I am that Views exists. It also cites Kate Bornstein (!!!!) and Julia Serano (!!!!!!!) so it truly was made for me. Its Discussion section is super good, excerpt:
It is an alltime banger. One of the only studies I have taken true joy in reading and I recommend you do it too.
Go woke go happy
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a people's war on the gender binary