If I want to read The Hill or the Center for Effective Lawmaking or whatever center-right think tank makes it to the top of c/politics I would watch MSNBC.

Stop with your “body language expert” tier horseshit and actually criticize these succdems from the left how fucking hard is that.

  • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
    3 years ago

    To add to the other guys point, throwing in "deprioritizing human rights" as shade to other leftist groups outside the DSA absolutely has anticommunist tones to it.

    Edit: And sure she might not be "consciously" doing it as an anticommunist sneaky thing but this has been a long ass trend with her not critically thinking about shit like the human rights propaganda industry and a bunch of other stuff, at some point when all the calls for her to improve has fallen flat and she basically just throws shaded insults back, then you gotta just say "Ok, theres no point in supporting her when she refuses to improve or answer to supporters".

    And if you go "harm reduction/shes the best we've got" then nothing will ever make her too bad to support except if she literally becomes a republican so all of this is meaningless anyways.