What is that godforsaken place :sadness-abysmal:

Literally nothing they say even sounds liberal it was just pure chud brain seepage with a couple leftist words thrown in there.

Can someone explain what I just looked at? because I have no clue.

  • penguin_von_doom [she/her]
    3 years ago

    just pure chud brain seepage with a couple leftist words thrown in there.

    Communism and socialism are just a way of organizing the economy of a society. Abolishing racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia and all other kinds of chuddery are a battle in addition to that for communism and socialism.

      • AcidSmiley [she/her]
        3 years ago

        Feudal institutions were repurposed under capitalism to brutally enforce its mode of production, and as such cannot be dissolved without also abolishing capitalism.

        Not only that. Capitalism cannot be meaningfully fought in the core without tackling these issues and overcoming them, as they are indispensible parts of the atomization strategy that divides the workers here. They are so few, we are so many. The tiny bourgeoise class would be turned into spicy shish kebab immediately if it couldn't scatter and partition its victims.

        Racism in particular also serves other integral functions in the service of capital, by justifying imperialist aggression and colonial expansion, by creating a racialized underclass that exacerbates precarization and helps to keep the reserve army of labor desperate and compliant, by underpinning the fear mongering that makes the people feel they need the shock troops of capital to police them for their own safety. The Thin Blue Line truly stands between us and all the stolen wealth, yet we are supposed to believe it stands between us and barbarism, and that deception only works when we have a bogeyman we believe to need protection from, and that bogeyman is the super predator belonging to whichever racial or ethnic group happens to be the most reviled at the moment.

        Sexism, homophobia, bi erasure and transphobia are ultimately outcroppings of the patriarchal control regime that ensures the generational transfer of wealth inextricably linked to truly rising to the top in capitalist societies. The cishetnormative nuclear family sits at the core of the only viable wealth accumulation strategy in our society. The policing of our gender expressions and our very bodies themselves also intertwines closely with the control regime of self optimization. Every advertising billboard screams down at us how to be, how to behave, how to desire, and it does that by dictating to us what a man should be like, what a woman should be like.

        Classism and ableism also apply here. The mercyless, eugenicist social darwinism and veneration of strength that we can observe in fascism, the active, violent extermination of the disabled and the homeless that we saw under the nazis are nothing but the radicalized, unmasked expression of capitalist competition. Punching down on those deemed less functional, less streamlined, less capable of performing, is the core value of a capitalist society. Fascists are merely those who have internalized that mindset to the fullest. Yet they are far from the only ones who will eagerly remove you if you become seen as a burden.

        When we truly undermine and topple these concepts, when we see them as part of the bigger picture and do not only fight them on a surface level, but expose and root out their connections to the material conditions we are being forced to live under, we weaken the stranglehold capital has over our societies. Fighting bigotry, not in the liberal sense, but in a holistic sense grounded in material analysis, is nothing that can be postponed to a golden age after the revolution, it is needed NOW, to create the conditions for revolution in the first place. We need to unite the workers, all the workers, not just the white, cishet, authochtonous, able-bodied, able-minded workers.

    • FidelCastro [he/him]
      3 years ago

      This. It’s why class reductionists are dangerous as fuck. Intersectionality is how we make sure everyone is free.

    • TrumanShow_IRL [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      just a way of organizing the economy of a society

      redditors are quoting dictionaries, should try reading Marx and learn why a philosophy of praxis is essential