• VernetheJules [they/them]
    3 years ago

    They're not thinking about this and I'm wondering if there's some potential for backfiring here. As it stands I've heard of fairly butch women being harassed for looking trans; why not accuse transphobic people in sports of being trans and make them submit to a genital inspection instead?

    Oh you got a doctor's note? Well I demand a second opinion! You don't want to get one? Well tough luck. Either publicly post a picture of your genitals or we'll demand your removal from the sport. Oh you posted pictures of your genitals? It's fake! I found this picture of you when you were a kid and you look like a [boy/girl]! Look just because you pass so much better than everyone else doesn't mean you can pretend you're not trans! You're just afraid you can't compete with other trans people!

    Fuck them, if they're going to do this to trans people might as well show them the consequences of their actions in ways they'd understand. Remember how people were about Michelle Obama secretly being a man? If a group like them can subsist in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, this should be a piece of cake.

    Edit: it'd be fucked up to play into their hands but I think raising the point of how this could be used against them could win some people over

    • SoyViking [he/him]
      3 years ago

      That would be really funny. Do it from sock puppet accounts with a conservative/terf/normie vibe. Not in an aggressive tone but in a "just asking questions" way. That will confuse them more than angry leftists pointing to their hypocrisy.