Jesus christ, these ghouls were infecting people with diseases and vivisecting them.

  • quartz242 [she/her]
    3 years ago

    1946, US General Douglas MacArthur granted all the Japanese scientists immunity from war crimes prosecution in exchange for the germ warfare data gathered from experiments in Harbin.

    As explained in an internal War Department memorandum, dated June 23, 1947:

    None of the Japanese scientists in Unit 731 was ever punished.

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      3 years ago

      MacArthur was one of the biggest fuck ups of the 20th century.

      • Didn't take the Japanese military seriously, get kicked out of the Philippines.

      • Harbored a massive resentment for getting his ass kicked and nearly derailed the Pacific War because he had to retake the Philippines.

      • Allowed the Japanese to keep their royal family, pardoned Unit 731 war criminals, and bungled the dismantling of the Zaibatsu.

      • Went off the leash in Korea, advancing towards the Yalu and triggering China's entry into the war.

      • Getting his ass kicked back to the 38th Parallel, then getting so butt hurt that he wants to nuke China.

      • Gets fired because he publicly tried to shame POTUS into starting a nuclear war.

      It's amazing how he kept failing upwards in life.

    • disco [any]
      3 years ago

      Iirc, the head of 731 came to work for the US Army, and was stationed in Korea during the Korean War. Coincidentally, North Korea suffered from outbreaks of some of the same diseases that he had been studying as weapons with 731 during the war. Probably nothing though, right?

      Edit: wiki page here:

  • vertexarray [any]
    3 years ago

    Also the Americans didn't prosecute them in exchange for their research material.

    • Claus [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I think of this and Operation Paperclip and compare those responses to the treatment of other people at the time. For instance, LGBT people who survived the concentration camps were re-incarcerated to serve out their sentences, with the time in concentration camps not considered as 'time served.'

      It's no coincidence the Western Powers made quick friends with the fascists once they won the war.

        • Claus [he/him]
          3 years ago

          It's largely due to Paragraph 175 of the German Penal Code

          Sorry for Wikipedia links, but several of the sources are available for reference.

          The law was on the books in the late nineteenth century, but was expanded once the Nazis took control.

          I'm including the excerpt listed in the wiki article below, though the specific source is no longer available:

          CW, obviously, but putting a heads up, just in case.

          While the Nazi persecution of homosexuals is reasonably well known today, far less attention has been given to the continuation of this persecution in post-war Germany. In 1945, after the concentration camps were liberated, some homosexual prisoners were recalled to custody to serve out their two-year sentence under Paragraph 175. In 1950, East Germany abolished Nazi amendments to Paragraph 175, whereas West Germany kept them and even had them confirmed by its Constitutional Court. About 100,000 men were implicated in legal proceedings from 1945 to 1969, and about 50,000 were convicted.

          Some individuals accused under Paragraph 175 committed suicide. In 1969, the government eased Paragraph 175 by providing for an age of consent of 21. The age of consent was lowered to 18 in 1973, and finally, in 1994, the paragraph was repealed and the age of consent lowered to 14, the same that is in force for heterosexual acts. East Germany had already reformed its more lenient version of the paragraph in 1968, and repealed it in 1988.

          This article is from and goes into more detail about the experience.

          At the end of the war, the majority of homosexuals were freed from camps in both parts of divided Germany. However, the homophobia directed against them by the public remained strong. Article 175—the basis for sending thousands of innocent people to concentration camps—remained in force in the DDR until 1967, and in West Germany until 1969. There were some American and British lawyers who demanded that homosexuals convicted under Article 175 serve out their full sentences. For instance, if someone had been sentenced to eight years and served five years of the sentence in prison followed by three years in a concentration camp, the lawyers demanded that the person return to prison to serve out three years. The number of people forced to “complete” their sentences in this way is not known. To this day, no financial compensation has been paid to the victims of Nazi homosexual policies, despite the fact that the German government offered compensation to victims of Jewish ethnicity, political prisoners, and other groups that survived the concentration camps. Only the homosexuals were passed over. Many people deny that the homosexuals have a right to any such compensation, stating that victims with an alternative sexual orientation were justly imprisoned, and “had no one but themselves to blame.”

        • fed [none/use name]
          3 years ago

          There is a lions led by donkeys episode about it that’s pretty good

          • Claus [he/him]
            3 years ago

            I went through the catalog of episodes and I couldn't find it. Do you know the episode's number/title? Also, this seems like a really informative podcast. Do you have any suggestions for other episodes to listen to?

            • fed [none/use name]
              3 years ago

              It’s episode 77

              Personally start with all of their multipart episodes, they are all great imo. Then just look for stuff that interests you

    • gammison [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      And most of the material was useless anyway, since the experiments were always more torture than experiments.

      • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
        3 years ago

        The Nazi experiments were almost all scientifically invalid for basic methodological reasons (no control groups, not replicable, etc).

        The cruelty was not the byproduct of science. The cruelty was the point.

  • BezosDied [any]
    3 years ago

    CW Sexual assault


    I once went to a screening of the movie Japanese Devils. In the talk afterward, a guy shared how when he was a kid in the immediate postwar period, random men at local summer festivals would sometimes bond by reminiscing about all the women they raped back in China—and these conversations were happening in public, in front of their wives. There was no shred of remorse. It had clearly affected the man who told the story, and it’s stuck with me as well.

  • refolde [she/her, any]
    3 years ago

    Ah fuck, I'm not sure if I remember correctly. I remember reading about the Soviet Union executing whatever war criminals they got their hands on, but I don't remember if those had anything to do with this.

    But anyways wow fucking wow these experiments contributed so much to science because we learned that uhhhhhhhhh if you torture people to death they die wow

  • ElGosso [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Ok well I'm glad I scrolled onto this unspoilered post about human vivisection while I was eating thank u

    • CarlTheRedditor [he/him]
      3 years ago

      It is Saturday morning and we are justifying the US military's use of nuclear weapons on civilians here on Chapo dot Hexbear

        • CarlTheRedditor [he/him]
          3 years ago

          If you can justify incinerating civilian population centers in nuclear fire and dooming more still to the after-effects of radiation, then you're really not far away from being able to justify the kind of shit Unit 731 did.

                • CarlTheRedditor [he/him]
                  3 years ago

                  FWIW I used to make those exact same arguments when I was a chud and a liberal and I thought that I needed to defend America's use of nukes.

                    • CarlTheRedditor [he/him]
                      3 years ago

                      If that whole country sunk into the ocean on September 3rd 1945, the world would have been a better place.

                      But it didn't. And now you find yourself making the same arguments as the American chuds who want to preemptively nuke you. Idk, that seems...not great?