The actual tweet


    10 months ago

    It's incredible the lengths liberals will go to and the knots they can twist to keep playing this "game."

    Joe Biden has annihilated any argument for "lesser evil." If Trump will also support Bibi, then they are equivalent.

    I suppose the logic next (assuming good faith liberals who will accept the reality of the apartheid state of Israel committing open, active, violent genocide with the US president's go ahead) is "ok they're the same on the major foreign policy. What about domestic?"

    Sure, Biden is probably better on the domestic side. But if you vote for him again in the face of, frankly, Nazi-like rhetoric and support of Nazi-like fascists abroad while there is a year until the election here (!) then you are endorsing the genocide and saying, implicitly at the least, "I approve of you enough to unconditionally vote for you again no matter many genocides you fund and carry out."

    I guess liberals cope and squirm under that accusation and keep going "but what about but what about but what about" like a goddamn broken robot, but the truth is pretty clear. They COULD join in demands for Biden to voluntarily step aside (this includes Kamala too since she agrees with Joe. I haven't heard her not agree! He can't fire or punish her really so she could definitely differ with him if she really wanted to) and allow a democratic primary during which a non-unconditional supporter of Israel is nominated and possibly beats Trump in 2024. Or they can wring their hands as they currently are KNOWING BIDEN WILL LOSE and then blame... who? People who don't support genocide? Ok. Blame me then. I will gladly carry the blame of not endorsing a fucking genocide. How fucking tone deaf? It's just not that hard.

    Join the call for Joe to fuck off, replace his rotten ass on the ticket, and then I'll vote for them assuming they meet the bar of "I won't provide unconditional support to Israel" and have some sort of record to support that claim ie not taking AIPAC money.

    We're really demanding the tiniest, easiest concession here. "Be not a mask off fascist. And don't support genocide." I mean, Christ. Biden fucking sucks anyway even if the current Palestine genocide wasn't fucking happening! He passed basically nothing of substance and he... sucks! I mean fuck! He should've been replaced anyway. Whatever. Fucking liberals.

    And btw, I'm not trans, but I have many trans people in my life, very very close friends, and they are also onboard the fuck Biden train for whatever that is worth. Is Trump and his dipshits being in power again scary? Of fucking course it is! And that's why these libs need to stop the bullshitting around before it's too late. We already told them the future. It's completely in their hands now to prevent Trump and any future blood I will also place on their hands for failing a simple test of moral fortitude. To not endorse genocide.

    I wish all the lib instances hadn't de-federated now, so I could get some loser responding to me and yell at them. Cowards.