He was captured in 1945, was a witness at the Nuremberg trials, and was tried and hung in Poland in 1947. While in prison, he wrote a memoir that is much more chilling than "the banality of evil" of the dumb fuck Eichmann variety.

The history of the Nazi Germany has become so Disneyfied. No one reads or really knows much about it anymore. Everyone vaguely knows (if that!) that the Nazis did camps and that was bad, but that's all. But when you read that text, I think it becomes clear that not only such atrocities can be repeated very easily today, they will be repeated precisely in the name of all that is "good."

Anyway. Höss was the only SS officer at the Nuremberg trials who testified to everything that he'd done. During his own trial he confessed, admitted his guilt, and refused the opportunity to appeal. You will see from the memoir he was a smart, and not even particularly callous man. AND FUCKING YET. That's the point. It is chilling to the bones, and is all the more chilling because of how lucid that memoir is. The only reason he admitted his wrongs was because the Nazis were defeated. It will make you think about those yet undefeated and the atrocities they commit in the name of what they may genuinely consider to be "good."

Links, huge trigger warning obviously :

The memoir (skip to page 118, that's where his tenure at Auschwitz starts)

A kind of condensed article about Höss , with some quotes from the memoir + the trial in Poland


People are forgetting this shit. It is not enough to know that Nazis = bad. We'll fucking repeat it without learning what actually happened. Look at Ukraine where an SS division has recently been celebrated in the capital because some people there hate the USSR legacy more than they hate fascism, treating these death squads as "liberators."

  • Yanqui_UXO [any]
    3 years ago

    here's a sample quote, eternally relevant:

    There were three main political groups among the Polish prisoners, and the adherents of each fought violently against the others. The strongest was the chauvinistic nationalist group. Each group competed with the others for the most influential posts. When one man managed to obtain an important position in the camp, he would quickly bring in other members of his own group and would remove his opponents from his domain. This was often accomplished by base intrigue. Indeed I dare say that many cases of spotted fever or typhus resulting in death, and other such incidents, could be accounted for by this struggle for power. I often heard from the doctors that this battle for supremacy was always waged most fiercely in the hospital building itself. It was the same story in regard to the control of work. That and the hospital building offered the most important positions of power in the entire life of the camp. Whoever controlled these, ruled the rest. And they did rule too, in no halfhearted fashion. A man who held one of these important positions could see to it that his friends were put wherever he wished them to be. He could also get rid of those he disliked, or even finish them off entirely. In Auschwitz everything was possible. These political struggles for power took place not only in Auschwitz and among the Poles, but in every camp and among all nationalities. Even among the Spanish Communists in Mauthausen there were two violently opposed groups. In prison and in the penitentiary I myself had experienced how right and left wing would fight each other.

    In the concentration camps these enmities were keenly encouraged and kept going by the authorities, in order to hinder any strong combination on the part of all the prisoners. Not only the political differences, but also the antagonisms between the various categories of prisoners, played a large part in this.

    However strong the camp authorities might be, it would not have been possible to control or direct these thousands of prisoners without making use of their mutual antagonisms. The greater the number of antagonisms and the more ferocious the struggle for power, the easier it was to control the camp. Divide et impera! [divide and conquer] This maxim has the same importance, which must never be underestimated in the conduct of a concentration camp as in high politics.

    Also, maybe, if this above interests you, have a look at Agamben's Homo Sacer, whose main thesis is that the camp has become global and we live in it.

      • Yanqui_UXO [any]
        3 years ago

        Yes, exactly, so spot on. It is very disheartening to read stuff like this, but on the other hand I truly hope we can learn from it, get inoculated in a way, that there is really so many things that can only be accomplished collectively and can never be completed individually

      • JuneFall [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        than a site of fierce in-fighting between prisoners

        Nice that you are now reproducing the view of a Nazi official who wrote the memoir (as I wrote earlier was problematic and might happen, so good I have an example in this thread already), also to justify the violence his troops dealt against prisoners. The way of the camps were run also were to have some amount of violence within it to keep easier control by the guards.

        This is a concept which isn't new and has a learned tradition which can be found in the genocidal camps of German colonialism, can be seen in the way the freedom fighters (e.g. pass law resisters) where handled in Apartheid South Africa and more.

        Don't fucking take a Memoir of a fucking Nazi as reality, don't fucking spread their perspective - esp. if you have alternative perspectives which are based on history

          • JuneFall [none/use name]
            3 years ago

            Learn to read you asshole. Höss is literally justifying why his troops deal violence in his books(*), if you aren't able to distinct between his writings and mine you make a great point for me: That we shouldn't have as top post of today a history-channel advertisement for a Nazi memoir.

            *: He does this by taking the Nazi trope of Slavs and communist and gays are violent and have to be kept in check if you don't want them to be violent against each other (this is even in the quoted text by OP)

            • hauntedjetty [he/him,they/them]
              3 years ago

              understanding how the Nazis stoked minor divisions in their prison camps to the point of violence isn't the same thing as believing Nazi tropes about Slavs and communists being inherently violent

        • Nagarjuna [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Okay, but also, we have record of the nazis deputizing prisoners to act as guards, and using it as a tool to sow division between categories of prisoners. The divide and conquer thing isn't this one Nazi

    • SoyViking [he/him]
      3 years ago

      The divide and conquer approach is one of the oldest tricks in the book and had been used in many other carceral settings. I think it is a well-established fact that US prison guards have encouraged the formation and rivalries between gangs to prevent prisoners from realising their common interests and standing together.

      • emizeko [they/them]
        3 years ago

        there have been multiple separate incidents where California prison guards were caught staging gladiator fights and placing bets on them