Love how they're pointing out the theft of a watch. Ah yes the equivalent crimes of the holocaust and theft of one (1) watch
Also ignoring that the soldier might be wearing 2 watches for tactical reasons. Or the 2nd watch isn't a watch but likely a compass.
PCMite: We aren't Nazis or biased! Everyone here is treated equally! It's all in good humor!
GazzJuice1488: Um, turning minorities and degenerates into liquid fuel is actually baste. (+235)
IS2Enjoyer1945: Stalin shouldn't have stopped at Berlin (-23)
"no bro it's actually funny I'm racist on here, it's part of the meme"
"Erm WHAT THE FUCK SWEATY why would you even think it's okay to joke about Stalin, when he stole europe from the so called "evil" germans he personally raped every woman and ate at least half of the children, degenerates like you are what's wrong with the west these days"
- PCM on literally any given day
really cool community where someone can go "communism bad" and someone with the "i'm an anarchist btw" flair can be like "wait fr?" and someone with the "i'm a nazi btw" flair can link a wikipedia article and the anarchist will just go "oh yeah that checks out, never knew that."
Everyone there is, at the absolute best, libs falling for some "marketplace of ideas" bullshit
A month later, that same "anarchist" will say "oh yeah that checks out, never knew that" to a video link of Adolf Hitler: Greatest Story Never Told.
Guy probably keeps some Azov Battalion merch with how he responsed.
Look, I'm not usually a Nazi, but those commies stopping the Holocaust really pisses me off, okay?
how does this subreddit even exist
it's just fascists openly admitting to being fascists
and even then a lot of their political understanding seems to boil down to "what kind of porn do you like"
Well AKSHUALLY it's just people joking around sweaty, no fascists have ever tried to further their ideology via jokes
fun game: browse around there and see how long you can go before seeing someone mention a book. any fucking book. even the communist manifesto. even the bible.
Did someone bring up the dynasties of WW1 to discuss why we should feel bad for dead fascists? Unreal.
No, it's their username. Real clown hours:
u/Kaiser_Franz-Joseph - Centrist
Fascism and Communism aside, its never good to see such a beautiful and historical city bombed to the ground and in ruins ...
some Libleft
It's not really the allies fault Germany was destroyed
We certainly didn't bomb ourselves
some LibLeft
Nazis certainly started the European theatre
And? Is it good that my grandma had to run away from allied fighters shooting at her and a bunch of other kids in the fields? Is it good that so many of our cities lay in ruin, that millions of germans were opressed afterwards?
This guy is active in r/monarchism
Out of concentration camp and into gulag.
I'm just glad my country fought hard enough to avoid being """""liberated""""" by the Red Army.
being exterminated in gas chambers is better than admitting that communists did something good
-reddit brain geniuses