After they strip search, humiliate, and force doctors out at gunpoint.
After ISRAEL cut fuel, food, and supplies, gaslighting the world it was a massive Hamas base and Hamas is hording resources, which should have been found if it was a Hamas base.
I hope no one is buying the fascist fucks new feigned humanity.
Let me guess, it just doesn't have any doctors, nurses, or patients since you killed them all, right?
They definitely don't have any babies in need of incubators, anymore
That image of the premature babies taken out of incubators because of power shortages will probably haunt me for a long fucking time.
The line about bringing incubators is the worst one. Access to incubators was never the issue. It is just a pure IDF made up propaganda point.
Fuel, food, water and medicine were at least scarce, but why do they keep going on about the fucking incubators?
Ol' tried and true propaganda tricks dating back to at least the 90s and the US invasion of Iraq.
How many patients are in there now? Seriously.
Imagine waking up from a concession in the hospital and everybody is now an Israeli. Your smiling nurse purrs at you in Arabic "Do you need anything?" And then you realize what's happened and you're their pet. It's surely just a matter of time that they tell you they're going to bring in video cameras to film you showing how happy and thankful you are. Hell on earth.
I mean that's what you must to do when you take over a hospital, as said by the International Humanitarian Law. Great for not doing more war crimes I guess?
Doing the bare fucking minimum for once while the cameras are rolling and not doing it would make them look even more monstrosities. Truly the most moral army in the world.
It is very clearly evil, and I also feel like it's obvious to people in a way that isn't true for most conflicts. Israel is really fucking up the PR with this due to incompetence/arrogance and I hope it actually hurts them this time.
Israeli propagandists really love that "repeat bullshit enough times and it becomes true" thing.
Unfortunately for them it's not working so great
You don't even have to be that well-versed in geopolitics to understand how fucked up this is. Anyone whose been abused can pick up on the cruelty. Predators like to shower their victims with temporary gifts after beating the shit out of them, especially in front of others. Mind-games always follow violence.
Can I just say how much I hate it when people tweet and write the final sentence as if we have to read it with some dramatic pause in between.
... But by israel oh fuck off you nerd.
There's so many hospitals that it does get rather confusing... But this was the one they sieged then captured after claiming it was a "Hamas headquarters."
"By Israel, for Israel - now that all those pesky Palestinians have been wiped out."
Listen guys, we don’t know the on-the-ground justification for why Hamas repeatedly invited UN, WHO, and Red Cross investigators to verify Israel’s claims of hospitals being used as Hamas bases, and Israel refused to allow this to happen.
We don’t know the on-the-ground justification for Israel’s repeated lies [1] [2] concerning their targeting of hospitals.
We don’t know the on-the-ground justification for Yaov Gallant, the Israeli Defense Minister, publicly announcing the cutting of all food, electricity, water, and fuel to Gaza to fight “human animals” (I’m sure he’s only referring to Hamas, as only they need food and water).
We don’t have to know everything on the ground to know what is going on. Your sterile criticism is useless and you have contributed nothing.
Edit: A bunch of people attacked me hep pls
you used aljazera so now they will just say hamas mouthpiece instead of addressing any of your valid points and sources
It's awesome how every redditor speaks like a smug high school sophomore
Yeah? We do? We've got an absurd amount of information in the news megas from the last month and a half.
We literally know what's happening because doctors and journalists are on the ground recording and Isreal is completely open about their genocidal intentions
But you keep pretending otherwise dipshit genocide supporter
I listen to DemocracyNow broadcasts about it every day and I think I'm becoming suicidal. 👍
"So, even if you read and watch diverse sources of news about this topic every day, you wont ever know "The Truth" and therefore shall not be able to utter your opinion!
I, on the other hand, might not have any idea of your level of information on this but still can utter my opinion on all of you, because I am the only human to know "The Truth". Too, i dont need to follow my own logic becaue i am so grown up and wise and you are all 6-year olds, gotcha!"
What a brainlet.
Thread recap:
"Shut up idiots you don't know anything."
"Yes we do."
If your only way of navigating conflict is the hollow posturing of an antisocial 15 year old, well, I suggest waiting to get into stupid internet spats until you learn how better-adjusted people talk to each other.
I usually like keeping a lib around to yell at for a bit but with this Gaza stuff the pro-genocide libs drive me to such a rage that anything you can say to them seems insufficient so I agree, pro-IOF scum should just catch immediate bans.
Edit: woah... A whole bunch of 6 year olds attacked
If that were the case, IDF'd carpet bomb this whole website.
i will laugh at your obituary
now, hurry up and post a picture of your penis