• regul [any]
    4 years ago

    I'd hardly call worker-owned co-ops a strictly anarchist organizing method just because they're horizontal.

    But as you said, co-ops are having the workers exploit themselves. This is why people say co-ops aren't socialism when they're inside a capitalist society. The difference being that they receive a greater proportion of the actual value of their labor vs. simple wages.

    What do you mean by "hard to implement at scale"? The capitalists are having the factories built. A state as strong as China's could surely expropriate these factories and give them to the workers.

      • regul [any]
        4 years ago

        BRI is mostly transportation infrastructure and coordinated at a very high level. However, this infrastructure investment has signaled to capitalists that Xinjiang is "open for business" and has spurred a lot of recent development (factory construction, housing construction).

        I don't care so much about the road and train building so much as I care about the tagalong development alongside it, especially with respect to how the wealth from it is not going to the people who are from Xinjiang.