I revived a bee the other week, it was walking on this brick wall but not taking off and it was getting a bit cold, gave it some sugar water and it sucked it up and flew off! So cool
I love bees. As a little kid I used to pet them sometimes while they were going about their business among the flowers. And I remember if I got something sugary on my hands they'd always swoop in and start taking it, which is cool cause I was happy to share.
I revived a bee the other week, it was walking on this brick wall but not taking off and it was getting a bit cold, gave it some sugar water and it sucked it up and flew off! So cool
I love bees. As a little kid I used to pet them sometimes while they were going about their business among the flowers. And I remember if I got something sugary on my hands they'd always swoop in and start taking it, which is cool cause I was happy to share.