just like with the avengers game, they all look like the stunt doubles for the actual actors
why the avengers game and this one didn't have like...an art style and not just the voice actors' face glued onto a 3d model blows my mind
The problem is that the rights to the character and the rights to the actor's likeness are two different things, but the direction from Disney is to make them look as similar to the movies as possible for brand recognition.
Like, don't comic books just BEG for a cell-shaded art style and actual aesthetics?
Is it just me or do all character designs just fucking suck ass nowadays
realistic games either have that final fantasy or fallout 3 look, just ultra anime or ultra dead inside.
Except the crunch inducing Rockstar (and first party studios to the consoles) they don't feel uncanny
Edit: Unless by FO3 you meant grey dirty look then I retract my above statement
Indie games have some potential but anything with serious backing seems to have its personality stripped out in QA.
There was a GDC video of a guy who runs a big concept art/design studio for movies, games, etc. and it's basically an assembly line for generic concept art that looks "high quality" while being generic and fast as fuck and can be taught to anyone. I'm assuming this is successful enough that it's how most of these things are getting conceptually designed now.
Edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYbYvImd7Bw
This guy.
I remember when Guardians of the Galaxy was high-tier space nonsense with stuff like a Soviet psychic space dog and bug monsters from beyond the Moon
lip smack What a rotten way to die
I'm sure this'll be great considering how amazing the last Squenix Marvel game was
Great work agent cumwaffle, thanks to your fine bait we have uncovered many gamers on this website. They will be reported immediately to Anti-Gamer-Aktion and will soon be destroyed
I've been playing Mario Odyssey for the first time the past two weeks or so, and it's pretty fun - at least enough to distract me from feeling suicidal
To be fair, when they started work Cyberpunk was supposed to come out at a similar time and be a significantly better Deus Ex lol.
nah it was actually pretty good, the problem was that at some point (probably very suddenly, very late in the development process) they sorta planned to split it into two games without ever making that second game or properly tying off the end of the first one in a satisfying way. so it just kinda ends at this really sudden and unsatisfying point without dealing with all the stuff it built up. the game thats there is good, and any sequel would still necessarily be awkward in restarting from that weird stop point, but i reckon would still be good if they continued in a similar vein
I didn't like Human Revolution; they were like "hey you can be a cool super sneaky guy" and I was like "Ima do that" and then they were like "j/k lol here's a bossfight" and I lost all interest
wtf is this? Marvel games are so hit or miss for me. Ultimate Alliance for the DS was the last one I ever played
What do you mean? they killed off the Deus Ex franchise to make this Dog Shit?