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  • Amerikan
    10 months ago

    They can't argue on issues, because arguing on the issues would out them as genocide-loving ghouls; so breathless hyperbolizing is all they got. I don't rubber-stamp colonizers. I don't rubber-stamp genociders. I dgaf who the opposition is-- if your platform is settler-colonial genocide, then


    If dems can't do better, then they deserve to burn.

  • Rojo27 [he/him]
    10 months ago

    How much worse do they think Trump would be on the Palestinian genocide? Student debt relief? COVID? The only thing Biden has been better at is paying some menial lipservice that libs gobble up and pretend make Biden better than Trump even though materially the end result is the same.

    • CrimsonSage [any]
      10 months ago

      They are likely right that Trump would be worse domestically, that is the dynamic of the system after all. The problem is instead of fighting to make things better they just knuckle under and browbeat and insult anyone who doesn't roll over and piddle on themselves infront of them. The problem is that they ignore the dimensions in which Biden actually is as bad or worse, and they enthusiastically support imperialism. Ultimately the problem with talking politics with left libs is the fundamental fact they don't see the US government as the evil thing it is. They somehow think that they can bend the masters tools for good without also killing the master.

      • DickFuckarelli [he/him]
        10 months ago

        It's so this right here.

        All American left-lib politics boil down to, "if we would only vote the right people into office all our dreams will come true." Zero critical thought, or introspection on how or why the system keeps producing the same results. You don't even have to look back that far to see how contradictory their vote bullshit is: Obama was swept in with a super majority and where did that get us?

        • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
          10 months ago

          Its all part of the fake seperation between politics and the economy deeply entrenched in American liberalism. That voting magically fixes things, instead of developing political institutions to regulate the economy and social organisation.

          The liberal virus caused among its victims a curious schizophrenia. Humans no longer lived as whole beings, organizing themselves to produce what is necessary to satisfy their needs (what the learned have called "economic life") and simultaneously developing the institutions, the rules, and the customs that enable them to develop (what the same learned people have called "political life"), conscious that the two aspects of social life are inseparable. Henceforth, they lived sometimes as homo oeconomicus, abandoning to "the market" the responsibility to regulate their "economic life" automatically, and sometimes as "citizens," depositing in ballot boxes their choices for those who would have the responsibility to establish the rules of the game for their "political life."

  • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
    10 months ago


    I'm absolutely not gonna argue with a Palestinian about their vote (or refusal thereof) for Biden, but they're only a fraction of voters. I'm more concerned with white progressives in swing states

    So, they understand that their position is a disgusting demand to support a genocidal asshole and wouldn't dream of asking a Palestinian to do so, but anybody else who they think they can beat in the "ackshully check YOUR privilege" battle would get their best sneering condescension

  • FnordPrefect [comrade/them, he/him]
    10 months ago

    Those classic Democrat negotiation tactics at work.

    the-democrat "You know what? I think this election we'll bypass all of those billionaires who throw us their scraps for serving their interests. This time around we'll show our appreciation for all our voters' dedication and pick a candidate that will really help people and start to tackle some of the looming existential threats...


    capitalist-laugh point-and-laugh-1point-and-laugh-2 lord-bezos-amused

    Sorry, I couldn't keep that up, especially when I saw some of them actually believed me!"

  • LaughingLion [any, any]
    10 months ago

    a reminder that voting is fine ya'll but not the only political thing you can do and also that you can skip over boxes and just vote on local things like direct ballot initiatives and shit dont feel forced to pick between two assholes just move on to the next race and so on until you finally can tick a box on a candidate you think is actually good