• kristina [she/her]
    7 months ago

    Crackerlist is unironically a masterstroke, I want this to be a thing now

  • CommieCretzl [he/him]
    7 months ago

    We've probably had sillier struggle sessions here tbh.

    On another note ziq is one of the most annoying posters on the internet.

  • AcidSmiley [she/her]
    7 months ago

    paper impersonating bleach demons getting mad about the most harmless "slur" in the history of humankind again

    • LeylaLove [she/her, love/loves]
      7 months ago

      Honestly I find whitelists to be an... odd way of phrasing it. There's a reason most programmers have moved to block and allow lists. Don't really care about crackerlist, but I find it odd that they'd still use the naming conventions of white and black lists. Changing white to cracker doesn't make whitelists any less weird.

      No idea how they give two shits about the word cracker when there is obviously a bigger issue.

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      7 months ago

      9/10 crackers do not ruminate in fear and dehumanization when they’re called that because there is no policy - historical or present - to oppress them as a group of people. Rarely do people say it with complete malice and desire for violence - it’s often said lightheartedly because everyone knows that the dynamics are just completely imbalanced. At worst they’ll be annoyed for 30 seconds and forget about it.

      Hell, I’d argue honkey and redneck are more “offensive” because it’s a slur for poor white people, and this subgroup has and is still being targeted by the state today. But crackers don’t want to talk about class, even when it’s them who’s suffering.

      • CyborgMarx [any, any]
        7 months ago

        Literally nobody but racist crackers care about "slurs" for white people, it doesn't hurt and may in fact help in the most minuscule of ways because it's funny watching white identitarians malding about make-believe oppression

        I won't use it and I'm not white.

        Looking for a pat on the head or somethin?

      • GunslingerSky [she/her]
        7 months ago

        If being called cracker makes someone disinterested in socialist policy then they weren't open to changing their views in the first place

        • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
          7 months ago

          This is a bad take. If you try to join a group and they insult you, it's normal to walk away even if you like some things that group is doing. People leave jobs that pay them money they need over insults.

      • kristina [she/her]
        7 months ago

        Fam I learned recently that rednecks eat at a place called Cracker Barrel. Only the most baby of petit bourgeois would be angry about it, and their class interests do not align with socialism

  • MiraculousMM [he/him, any]M
    7 months ago

    We'd have to stop using any terms that include colors: redfaced (ashamed), red with rage, blackballed, black humour, black magic, black eye, black sheep, yellow journalist, red line, yellow card, red card, brown-noser, brown thumb, black-and-white thinking, black out, black as night, etc.

    TAGLINE michael-laugh

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    7 months ago

    That's amazing we should start crackerlisting so we can crackerlist people becaus someone would get SO MAD and then we could point at them and laugh

    • Muad'Dibber@lemmygrad.ml
      7 months ago

      Hilariously it looks like ziq (who runs raddle), and emma (who develops it) are the main ones in that thread arguing for keeping terms like blacklist and master branch.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        7 months ago

        I don't see why anyone would bother dying on this hill. It's just so easy to swap words. "Oh some people find this a problem? Fair enough, we will use this instead." simple and done.

        There are many things that we all go back and forth on here but this one is just so fucking easy.

          • Awoo [she/her]
            7 months ago

            I mean, yes wrecker shit is a problem. But you have to balance doing something objectively right (not using blacklist/whitelist) against the bad wrecker campaigns. Community needs to be inoculated properly to deal with them and if it's not that's simply poor community management to begin with.

            If I wanted to be a wrecker I'd have an easier time doing it against a site admin team that refuses to do obviously good shit compared to being forced to find more and more esoteric things to complain about.

            This is ridiculous, github liberals are literally more progressive than the so-called leftist.

          • TheDeed [he/him, comrade/them]
            7 months ago

            Even corporate tech places are phasing out the black/white master/slave language so its not like this is some obscure wrecker ask. When they're less socially progressive about this than say, Facebook, then it might be time to reconsider

  • Thordros [he/him, comrade/them]
    7 months ago

    Raddle goes to war with itself

    Isn't this, by definition, all arguments ziq has with themselves on Raddle?