It's Joever for the Democrats no lie. I know polls are still pretty even and something could happen to give them a shot in the arm but honestly all the videos I've been watching and conversations I've been having IRL are just pointing to a complete anti-Democrat vibe. Watching a few videos that are saying the same thing and it could just be algorithm bias but idk. I don't even mean just for 2024 election like long term this party is fucked. I used to think they were going to be bent over and moved out of the way by the Republicans (consequently establishing a further fascist government) because Dems are spineless but they're actually doing such a terrible job that they're going to get voted out and allow the Republicans to further fascist-ize the US if that's even possible.

I'm low-key here for it, going to be interesting but I'm very scared for marginalized people and the proleys in general.

    7 months ago

    It's okay they'll just blame Black people for not voting instead of coming up with any sort of comprehensive plan that actually matches our interests

      7 months ago

      Noo you OWE the Democrats your vote to prevent FASCISM and if you DON'T vote for us you actually are to blame for the further oppression of your people (which will happen under us, too)

      If you don't vote for this shitty party then the other one will make things even worse and also you have no other choice and also we are the greatest democracy the world has ever seen and also skill issue bootstraps you can't shoot your way to liberation!!!

      • signed with my totally anti-racist condolences, thoughts, and prayers, the liberal state
        7 months ago

        Be prepared for more bamboozlement under the guise of journalism. Understand that Black politics will not be part of any discussion. Making it so would create a problem for people whose goal is to win office while also excluding the people whose votes they need. Media are an important part of sham democracy. No one should expect anything more than, “But Trump!” between now and November 2024. -- Margaret Kimberley

    • Adkml [he/him]
      7 months ago

      They're literally already telling the left to fuck off and simultaneously already blaming us for their loss a full calander year from now.

        7 months ago

        Clown show, the lot of them. Well for us it's been the same no matter who's in office so I couldn't care any less, the real pearl clutching will come from the libs

        • Adkml [he/him]
          7 months ago

          Yup I'm at the stage of "good luck with that, can't possibly imagine how that'll work out for you, if you need me I'll be over here loudly and repeatedly saying I told you so"

    • the post of tom
      7 months ago

      And the Bernie Bros! And the poll kiddos who polled but didn't show! And the misogynists who hate hill-dawg for being woman and the agesists and...

    • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
      7 months ago

      They usually brag about the black vote. It's more likely latinos or some other minority group will take the heat.

      7 months ago

      they’ll just blame Black people for not voting

      and also not bother to do shit to help people who are blocked from voting

  • Looming
    7 months ago

    For me, this started in the aftermath of the Trump presidency, and the absolute denial and non-engagement of the Democratic party to self-examine their own actions that led to defeat, such as blocking Sanders to promote an unpopular Clinton, blaming everything on their voters, kicking and screaming, and then of course four years later fucking Sanders again.

    I heard a good podcast with historia publica yesterday, and he said it excellently: when there's crisis, the youth wants to radicalize, but unfortunately, in our countries you are not allowed to radicalize left, only to radicalize right. (I'm paraphrasing).

    • Dr_Gabriel_Aby [none/use name]
      7 months ago

      In like 2018 pod Jons started an entire new series about litigating the previous election. Their big idea a progressive candidate who is even more progressive, cooler, hipper than Bernie. They declared Kamala as the perfect candidate.

      • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
        7 months ago

        I don't think they were saying he's good, but that even his brand of (incredibly popular) milquetost social imperialism was still unnacceptably left wing to the Democrats, who chose instead to lose Neoliberal-ly

    7 months ago

    If the US is around long enough, we might see a different party rise to take their place in the two party system, just like the republicans did with the Whigs.

    It'd probably a hardcore libertarian party or something, wouldn't it?

    • Adkml [he/him]
      7 months ago

      Democrats will stop pretend8ng and just be the republican party under Bush with people like romeny, Liz Cheyney, and Pelosi working together.

      Well have an actual far right party and an actual fascist party.

      And liberals will still tell you you have to vote for Romney because otherwise Eric Trump will win.

      • the post of tom
        7 months ago

        Yeah there was a meme on the lib-space the other day about how you have to hold your nose and VOTE (hoping for a future more progressive dem) or you'll lose the chance to vote forever.

        But if you follow the logic to its end-point, the meme fails. Since the DNC picks your D candidate, and D is the only one you can vote for forever, are you really voting for a future you can look forward to now? Is there even a point when one side is a hand-picked quiet fascist and the other is a loud obnoxious fascist?

        • Adkml [he/him]
          7 months ago

          Also they've used that argument before right before they lost the easiest election of the last century by refusing to even acknowledge progressives.

          Than 4 years later that guy got voted out.

          Seems like they're not being totally accurate in their analysis. Also after the whole "vote for the shitty candidate this time and maybe they'll be more progressive next time" is ringing a little hollow after about the 5th or 6th round of it.

          • the post of tom
            7 months ago

            Man we've just got to find a way to kick all these assholes into a volcano. I don't want to die of thirst knowing some rich prick is holing up in a bunker. I would be so salty! I wanna go down with their fucking blood in my teeth.

            • Adkml [he/him]
              7 months ago

              If we ever get to bunkers finding air intakes and pouring concrete down them is going to be the national pastime

              • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
                7 months ago

                It would be very funny joker-troll if someone was to flood an oil tycoon's bunker with crude and then toss a match

                  7 months ago

                  How would it burn? There wouldn’t enough air. Plus crude oil has an a pretty poor burn.

                  Gasoline would be much better, plus they'll get additional chemical burns : )

    • huf [he/him]
      7 months ago

      the dems die, the republicans split into mitt romney republicans (they get nearly all the dem voters automatically) and trumpers.

      and you get a republican vs republican (new) election

        7 months ago

        Would finally bring the US in line with the rest of the west circa maybe 60-70 years ago if they finally did that. But I don't really see much of a labour movement over there.

        • Ildsaye [they/them]
          7 months ago

          US labor movement is growing rapidly and getting increasingly radical, but that is in relation to a very low water mark in both respects

            7 months ago

            That's good to hear. I would love to see my comrades in the US better able to organise. If a movement does get strong enough, I guess a labour party would form in order to work as a release valve for that socialist pressure. That's why they exist in most other western nations after all.

  • M68040 [they/them]
    7 months ago

    In a world that needs to evolve or die, a party that’s got a more conservative culture than the actual Conservative opposition is fundamentally doomed tbh

  • Assian_Candor [comrade/them]
    7 months ago

    The dems have no constituency. The idpol will only take you so far. At some point you have to appeal to people’s material interests, and the republicans are better than they are at appealing to the interests of the bourgeoisie.

    7 months ago

    As a USian I'm here for it too.

    Yes, it's going to suck. But it was going to suck hard anyway. At least now the Democrats will be out of the way and unable to siphon anymore revolutionary energy from the masses. It'll be final boss time from here on out.

    • Ildsaye [they/them]
      7 months ago

      The discrediting of the liberals prior to the Russian Revolution opened a can of fake left parties. The Bolsheviks still had to defeat many bosses before, and also in the course of, finally crushing the whites.

    7 months ago

    The rot started with Bush wars and then Obama years for drone strikes and then all hell got loose with Trump. The intense Russophobia and Clinton's warmongering against Russia was out of bounds. This Russiagate scandal from the dems was absolute shitshow. They knew Trump was a bastard and he is doing crazy shit so let's start an anti Putin campaign...well after Russian intervention in 2022 it's all downhill from there. 🤣

    7 months ago

    I just can't endure the suffering of next year when the elections come, Trump probably wins and puts the nail in the coffin while everyone seethes 24/7 on social media...

    *removed externally hosted image*

    7 months ago

    Yea fr, Apolitical people I know who in the past were vaguely More for Dems (still didn’t vote tho) are now shit-talking Biden. And every point they bring up is pretty valid. I dont think they care enough to vote but still shows a shift in opinion

    • CindyTheSkull [she/her, comrade/them]
      7 months ago

      are now shit-talking Biden. And every point they bring up is pretty valid.

      What are their points? I mean I could write up a huge list myself, I'm just curious which things are pushing the apolitical people you know against him. Like is it mostly the assisted genocide, or more about their own falling living standards?

          • Nationalgoatism [he/him]
            7 months ago

            I think the specific area I live in is just particularly bad (most stations in the $5.50 a gallon range)

              7 months ago

              Where are you???? The only places I can think it would be that high would be California in major cities or maybe New York City.

              Or Hawaii but that’s obvious why.

              Gas is 2.50-3.70 in the rest of the country.

              • Nationalgoatism [he/him]
                7 months ago

                Very rural northern California. I haven't been off the mountains so to speak in several months so I don't really know what prices are like in the rest of the country, but I believe you. Gas is always more expensive here I think

                  7 months ago

                  Makes sense, you’re pretty far from major transport hubs and ports, so a high cost to account for transport is understandable.

                  My experience in the US is mainly in the Northeast, and even in Pennsylvania with its massive 30 cent gas tax, the prices are still 3.45-3.65

        7 months ago

        Well, it’s the United States of course, Genocide is our foundation of our state, so apoliticals CAN’T really judge him on that lest they judge the founding fathers, which they likely won’t do because of years of indoctrination. Their issues are with his extreme old age and extraordinarily frequent gaffs, his claiming to be Pro-Union but being a Right-winger. I can’t speak for anti-Israel sentiments because most people I know don’t want to talk about it.