I support Cuba and understand that regime change would make things much worse. My twitter timeline is full of MLs going "this is color revolution" as if it explains things. It made me wonder, what exactly makes a color revolution a color revolution.
I've read the wikipedia article and what I got is most of them are started by nonviolent student protests during disputed elections or other point of instability. Many are supported by western NGOs. What makes them inherently bad though? They sound like a strategy without specific ideological leaning...
If US flags are present and they aren't on fire it's a color revolution.
If US flags are present at a protest in America it's funded or backed by someone. The working people of the world have no connection to or love for the American flag.
Just read this exact thread but I'm not sure I'm sold on point 10, where she writes that as opposed to real protests color revolutions mainly exist as spectacle for foreign audience to legitimize foreign intervention. A lot of archetypical color revolutions seem to have happened without direct foreign intervention. Or is NED funneling money the foreign intervention we're talking about?
Or is NED funneling money the foreign intervention we’re talking about?
I'd imagine it's this. I'm sure with many of these there's outside help in the form of NGOs and whatnot.
Study the history of Solidarnosc in Poland, it's one of the Ur-examples I can think of.
Dock workers in Gdansk do mass wildcat strikes because wages aren't keeping up with the cost of living. The strikes coalesce into a new trade union called Solidarnosc (lit. Solidarity).
Many strikers have legitimate grievenaces with the ruling Polish United Workers' Party, and a good number are avowed socialists. But the party is wary of non-party unions or strikes and cracks down on them.
CIA and the Vatican play on people's frustration and the generally religious, nationalist sentiment of Poles in general; they drum up support for Solidarnisc against evil Soviet communism in W. Europe and the U.S.
Suddenly Solidarnosc is flush with resources, cash, and international popular backing. The Workers Party has a legitimacy crisis and is sll but voted out of the Sejm in 1989. NATO gains a new foothold, Capital gets a major symbolic victory, the USSR loses one of its most important satelites, and communism becomes the ideology of evil repressive autocrats.
Color revolution.
then just dont be sold on point 10 , how about that...
Point 10 is kinda important for the whole thing. It's the difference between those people basically being PR for a foreign coup and them partaking in a bunch of NGO money, because why turn down free money?
Ah,” revolutions” which has happened didn’t get foreign direct aid, but which has failed kinda sorta veered there
I mean georgia/ukraine mainly, allegedly georgia expected nato aid with that whole shitshow in 2009, ukraine receives direct aid now (but their initial color revolution actually didn’t do anything, the second one (maidan) did)
It’s kinda soften the soil, prepare slick leaders who will coopt the movement, and when get in immediately turn economically right: imf loans, privatization, austerity blah blah, nato sympathies
For the same reason astro-turfing is bad. Some very real grievances get picked up and exaggerated so that sweeping right-wing reforms can be out in place. It;s foreign interference and dictatorship under the guise of democracy and reform.
You tipped your own Answer :
- Many are supposed by WESTERN "NGOs" . What makes them inherently bad though . They sound like a strategy without specific ideological leaning… *
Those NGOs are opportunistic, aren't they? I assume they are smart enough to support a bunch of non-horrible stuff on the side to muddle the water, at least. Like radio free Europe is pro-feminist and pro-lgbt in places where it's a rare sentiment to come by...
Radio Free Europe is not a NGO, it's a US government propaganda outlet. They support whatever serves the political interest of the US. If Russia were to get a feminist pro-LGBT government tomorrow, RFE would immediately start supporting "traditional Christian family values".
NGO's are opportunistic but the reason they get the opportunity to toppe foreign governments in the first place is the support they receive from western empires. That is also the reason we never see it happen the other way round, the thought of a Chinese NGO overthrowing say the Belgian government is absurd and they would be mercilessly crushed if they ever became a realistic threat.
they are Pro Feminist when they Cover Enemies of the US Hegemony ,... Then they are alll concerend about all this Issue , what ever can be instrumentalised to turn one against it...
It is Very simple actually : "You dont Know whats best for Namibia" - thats it - thats the core of the Anti-Imperialism ....because " you really dont know whats good for Namibia" ,
And as a Bonus : you know one "Thing" thats been tried allready...
Or do you proclaim to now whats best for Namibia ?
Very long article about Gene Sharp, his theories, and color revolutions
Theres also a second part you can search for.