I like to push boundaries and challenge people's prejudice every now and then. So I walked into the reception at work today, climbed a table, pulled down my pants, and took a huge dump on it. Somebody contacted security, who refused to hear me out and forcibly removed me from the premises.

People are up in arms about my "disgusting behavior" but they have yet to offer a SINGLE logical argument for why they think what I did was wrong. "It's unsanitary" Not if you don't touch the poop. Are you some kind of poop toucher? "It's offensive" that's your subjective opinion, hardly grounds to fire me. "People can't work like this, they are distracted by the smell" lady how prude do you have to be to pretend to never have been to a bathroom? It's a natural scent, you should be used to it.

Even HR couldn't come up with anything rational to say, they just told me not to come back to the office. The fact that everyone got so emotional about the whole thing must mean that I'm doing something right! Right?

  • the_itsb [she/her, comrade/them]
    7 months ago

    If you had let it dramatically slide down your enormous balls on the way out, it probably would have been fine. 🤷 Inspiring, even.

  • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
    7 months ago

    People are up in arms about my "disgusting behavior"

    Classic appeal to emotion, easy enough to see through.

  • booty [he/him]
    7 months ago


    i didn't read the post but yes, you should be very ashamed of yourself and apologize to your lawyer

  • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
    7 months ago

    Did you bare your whole ass?

    If you did, then you'll have a hard time presenting your asshole to people and then switching gears and saying an asshole is not what you are.

    If you didn't, you can at least claim some standard of propriety.

  • TupamarosShakur [he/him]
    7 months ago

    NTA: people are too triggered about everything these days. The hypocrisy on display is just astounding though - the liberal elite can't deal with poop being in their presence, but they'll put seed oils into their body? This country is circling the drain.

    You mention you work in an office, so you're probably surrounded by a bunch of liberals. I'm telling you, go out into a bar in middle america in some flyover state and do this and people won't even bat an eye. Hell, they might even applaud. You did nothing wrong, this is just wokeness run amok. Attitudes like this are why I left NYC.