• YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]
    7 months ago

    call me a fucking rube but its probably not csam, and any negative reaction received is adequately explained by the fact you implied the OP wanted to use it for CSAM first. Even if it's not really possible, disappearing or un-recordable messages has been a desired and attempted feature for reasons besides just CSAM for years, even if it does get used for such ends eventually. Signal has this, snapchat famously does it, etc. and maybe those were bad ideas and shouldn't have been released, idk, but it doesn't mean that every user and use case is sus.

    The fact that the OP is fine with it having glaring security holes (like you can just take a picture of the screen with another phone/camera) is a decent sign that its not what you imply, IMO. I get that it was the account's first post but it's a 4 month old account too so idk.

    • InquisitiveApathy@lemm.ee
      7 months ago

      Navigating the current social media landscape as a newer parent these days is pretty tough when dealing with relatives who may not fully respect or understand a 'no posting pictures online's rule.

      Most people I know have had to resort to using third party hosting apps with their own built-in security features which comes with their own security concerns by nature so I think the question is valid and with good intent at least without any additional information. Pointing out possible flaws and exploitations is fine, but accusatorially jumping to the worst scenario right off the bat comes off as confrontational so I can't really blame OOP.

      I know my opinion doesn't mean much around here, but I appreciate that mods have to deal with some awful shit and people on a daily basis though and thank you for doing what you do to keep the internet and, by extension, the people safe.

      • YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]
        7 months ago

        yeah people can't even wrap their heads around "no I don't have an apple/google smartphone" or "no I don't use social media" so "don't post these cute baby pics online" must be even more alien

        • InquisitiveApathy@lemm.ee
          7 months ago

          I'm firmly in the "I don't use social media" camp and it really is a very bizarre thing for a lot of people to wrap their heads around.

          What makes it worse is that the same people who attempt to post them pictures also take personal offense at being asked to remove them typically so it just makes for a very uncomfortable situation so if there are tools to avoid it I can understand wanting them. People have a hard time grasping that what you put on the internet is there forever.

        • Nakoichi [they/them]
          7 months ago

          I guess in this case I am a bit more in the opposite camp. My family is pretty good on pictures and consent. I think in total there are like maybe 4 pictures of me on the entire internet, including a selfie I took myself wearing a mask with photoshopped eyes.

      • Nakoichi [they/them]
        7 months ago

        I may have been very sleep deprived and jumped to that conclusion because of past trauma, but to say that my concern over this is because I "must always have CSAM on the brain" is way beyond my much more mild accusation that requesting such an app raised alarm bells in my brain, if it weren't for the fact that my genuine concern was met with practically a direct accusation is the only reason I made a post dunking on them.

        • InquisitiveApathy@lemm.ee
          7 months ago

          I'm aware of at least some of the recent issues and I'm absolutely sympathetic. Innocence is something that you just can't get back once you've seen some of the more depraved parts of humanity 🫤.

          With that being said, you did come in a bit too hot on this one. I think you could have made your point that it's possible this type of a system would be used for illicit purposes without directly throwing suspicion onto the OP and it would have accomplished the same goal.

          As an outside observer it really reads like someone asking how to safely share family photos and you coming in and saying "Why do you want this, pedo? Sounds like something a pedo would say!" Obviously this a satirical dramatization, but your 2nd, 3rd and 5th paragraphs give your response a very accusatory tone even if that wasn't your intent. I think most rational people would react strongly negatively to implicitly being called a pedophile in earnest.

    • Nakoichi [they/them]
      7 months ago

      forgive me for being over-cautious when I see stuff like this, and honestly @lemontree@lemm.ee I am sorry for coming on a bit strong there but my level of awareness of this shit comes unfortunately from traumatic personal experience. What I did not do was state directly that you yourself were asking for this for that purpose, I was more illustrating the technical barriers to what you were asking when that thought occurred to me and I felt the need to add that. What was told to me was "if you're so concerned about this you must be constantly thinking about CSAM" which is definitely not true, and we totally had a huge fediverse wide problem with this very recently so it's something that is probably on every moderators mind in some way.

      • YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]
        7 months ago

        I get where you're coming from for sure, it is a significant issue online in general and tools to facilitate it abound, both on self-hosted platforms and big tech platforms (who have better tools but lack the human element)

        But if you come to someone who, presumably, is asking in good faith about a photo sharing tool, and bring up CSAM and in that context call them "sus" it's not surprising they got angry and turned that around on you, even if it's not 100% fair or justified.